Theres three guys at the window Julie.

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(This is a continuation of where we left off in season one, except from the fact that Nick isn't possessed, I think i have another plot line to use soo i'm gonna go with it)

~Hope you enjoy


<The night of the orpheum, in the studio.>

After what felt like an eternity, I slowly backed away from the guys, not wanting to disturb what had just happened. I never realised how much I had wanted to hug the guys that got me back into music. I realised that they are all a part of me, and I love them all so much.

"i love you guys"

"We love you too, Julie"replied Alex, with Reggie agreeing soon after.

But Luke just turned to me and hugged me again. I knew that was his way of telling me he loves me, but I know he finds it hard to say things out loud. We then let all the guys back into the hug. Honestly I could not be happier. My heart felt full for the first time in a while, and I knew my mom was looking down at me, as I tilted my head up, staring at the stars throughout the window.

"She'd be proud of you!" Mutters Luke, softly.

I smiled at his words, something about him lately has just been making me feel something, but im pretty sure its because I feel so emotional due to the events of the night.

"Mija, come eat" I heard my dad say.

"i gotta go, I'll see you guys tomorrow" giving them each a small side hug.

Next day

I woke to the sound of my alarm, I swear the noise of that thing makes me want to punch a wall. But it does wake me up I guess. I gently sat up in my bed, thankful that today was a Saturday. No school. I recalled everything that had happened the previous night. The sadness and the sheer joy. The fact that I could touch the guys. Honestly at this moment, all I wanted was to hang out with them, and just be normal friends that do normal friend stuff.

I steadied myself at the base of my bed, excited to see everyone.

I decided that if I wanted to spend my day in the studio with the guys that id have to entertain my family for a bit first. I met my dad and Carlos at the table for breakfast.

"so julie, anything you wanna tell me ?"

"what do you mean dad?"

"i mean, do you wanna tell me why there are three guys stood outside the window trying to get your attention"

I froze at his words as my dad stared at the window, I was praying they were just some people from school and not the guys.

"OH MY GOD" I screamed making eye contact with Luke.

I had to think of a plan fast.

I ran outside to them and threw my arms around them, whispering my plan into their ears what I was doing. They nodded hesitantly.

"how can he see us though" said Luke as I hugged him last, breathing into the crook of my neck.

"not sure" I replied, trying to keep my lips from moving and it being noticeable to my dad.

"How come you guys came here, all the way from Sweden" I attempted to sound convincing as I hurried the guys over to the breakfast table. Carlos just got uo and left, I suppose he was sad that they weren't 'ghosts'.

"well we just wanted to surprise you, seen as we did play at the orpheum last night" said Luke, and it felt like his eyes were staring into my soul.

My dad noticed as I stared back into Lukes dreamy, hazel ey...OMG julie stop he's your best friend you do not like him like that.

"So" said my Dad clearing his thought, as averted my eyes to the ground."How did you get here in time since the show was yesterday"

"Ah, well, you see mr Molina, we got a plane straight after we got off the holograms, because Julie means a lot to us, so we wanted to meet her." Replied Luke, stuttering slightly, he was so adorab... annoying, yes annoying. Ughhh, I was disgusting myself.

"okay, then. Do you wanna stay for breakfast, oh and were are you staying?"said my dad, asking reggie

"well we cant eat were dea-"

"Dairy free, so we can't eat those eggs that your having." Alex said saving us all, while giving reggie a look that could kill."And we don't actually have a place to stay"

"Well, I guess you can stay in the guest rooms.. the ones next to Julies room, not in hers" turning his head to Luke, causing him to stare at the very boring floor as if it was the most interesting thing.

"What does that mean"I questioned him, then realising, that forced me to  also stare at the floor until I managed to get out, "ohhhhhh stop it dad, he's my best friend, and he's disgusting" I replied, whilst pulling a funny face at Luke, causing him to smirk at me. GAHHH, why can't he just be an ugly ghost, I tell you that smirk sure was something.

"Well, id like to speak to Julie for a minute. You guys can head to your rooms" replied my father, easing himself at my words, i'm still confused as to why he would ever say that, not like him at all.

"Thanks, Mr Molina" they all muttered in unison, quietly headed to the stairs, before Luke turned back to my dad and said, " And sir, you have nothing to worry about, she's like a sister to me"smiling innocently at my dad, whilst still having that playful look on his face whilst turning to me.

At those words, I felt something. I felt my heart sink, why? Its not like I could EVER like Luke like that, could I ?


Thanks everyone so much for reading, I know its a short chapter but i'm currently streaming JATP as its streaming party day and i'm still getting used to what i'm doing, so once i'm in the flow, the chapters will get better. If anyone has any tips,  ideas, plot lines etc to give, please let me know.

Thanks again

(29.1.21- 8:50pm)

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