Sleepover p2.

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hey guys, I know its a little late as I promised another upsdate yesterday but I only just finished it, and I enjoyed this chapter so I wanted to post, even if it is past 12 and I have school at 8.(I'll probably stay awake for hours, I don't know why im tryna kid that I have a good sleep schedule lol.)

~hope you enjoy


The sleep over was actually going great, were all laughing and joking and for the first time in a while if felt content and happy.

"ie..julie....JULIE." I snapped back to reality and saw Luke shouting my name and waving his hand infant of my face.

"Sorry, just zoned out."

"what were you thinking about." He edged slightly closer to me, no one else realising as they were all deep into their own conversation. I didn't reply to Luke tho.

"Jules are you okay?" He said whilst putting his hand on my arm.

"Yeah, im fine. I was just thinking about how happy I am, and how I haven't felt like this since before Mom died." I said sweetly smiling.

"Julie, I wasn't as happy as I am, right here right now, even before I died. Julie you make me happy." Everyone turned to him after saying that and they realised how close we were, and started smirking. "ermmm, I mean you and the guys." He flashed an embarrassing smile to me and sat back deeper into the couch. Everyone just laughed.

"oh my god, its 4am guys." Flynn screeches over the noise of us talking.

"right, we should probably go to sleep."

"where do you want us to sleep flynn?"Alex asked politely, pointing to him and the guys.

"what do you mean guys, were all besties. Just sleep on the couch. Ill go sleep in the beanbag over there. Then 2 can share each couch." Oh no. Alex and reg were already under a blanket on their couch. Guess im sleeping on a couch with Luke then, GREAT.

"i'm gonna go get a drink." I said as I got up from the couch and headed to the kitchen. I stopped by the refrigerator, just needing to breathe for a second.

"I can sleep on the floor julie if you want." I spun around and saw Luke stood behind me.

"Oh no, its cool, were friends remember? I was just really hot."

"okayyyy, well im gonna eat something, so you can go settle in."

"okayy, ill see you in a bit."

I slowly walked back over to the couch, not wanting to wake up my friends. I hopped on one end of the couch, scrunching my knees up to my chest so Luke had room to sleep. I heard him walk back into the room, so I shut my eyes, pretending to sleep. I didn't want it to be awkward. As he walked right up to me he stopped and peered over me, I felt his breath in my face. He then chuckled and sat next to me and saw how awkwardly my legs were placed, and he took them and place them on his lap. I then laughed, damn it, did he hear me?

"Julie, why were you pretending to be asleep?" He said laughing at me, his hands still on my legs.

"No, im asleep, im sleep talking." I said giggling. He chuckled.

"Whatever you say Jules..."

And with that I started drifting off, whilst Luke slowly hummed a random melody and gently rubbing my legs, he was a great FRIEND for helping me sleep.

I woke up the next morning to find only Luke was awake, he was still rubbing my legs and just smiled at me.

"Good morning jules, you slept well."

"what's that supposed to mean." I asked whilst swinging my legs on the floor.

"I mean that you snore, like a pig Molina."

"Luke patterson how dare you." I said whilst playfully hitting him with a pillow.

"I only speak the truth."

"Whatever" I replied as I started to make my way through to the kitchen, Luke following closely behind.

"So what do you want for breakfast Jules?" He asked whilst leaning into the fridge and I sat on one of the stools.

"Whatever you can make, I don't mind."

"okayy so that's nothing." I laughed.

"wanna go back to mine, my dad will make us breakfast."

"sure, does he know we were all on a sleepover. Coz what happened the day we met with the...erm accusations."

"no I didn't tell him, I said you'd all gone on a trip somewhere."

"good idea."

(back at Julies house.)


"yes mija, im in the kitchen."

"Hey dad, can you make us breakfast, were starving." He smiled then saw Luke and started eyeing him up and down, the smile soon turned to a frown.

"errrr yeah sure, what would you like, Luke?" He said sternly.

"Ill have whatever julie has." He said , turning to me smiling, I smiled back.

"so, Luke how was this trip you went on?" Questioned my dad. Oh no.

"well... er- it was fun, just spent the time at the beach singing songs. Just me and the guys."

"ver nice, now Julie, how was your sleepover, was it good?"

"yeah, pretty boring, we just watched tv then fell asleep on the sofa." Luke scoffed at my words which made me smile I couldn't help it, and I think my dad saw.

"well, breakfast won't be ready for a little bit, so you two can go upstairs and change into some clean clothes." My dad said, trying to sound calm and levelheaded.

"Thanks Mr Molina.."

"No problem, Luke." He said whilst patting him on the back.

Then we both headed up the stairs and dispersed into our rooms. I needed a shower so that's what I went to do.


Thanks guys, for reading, I hope you enjoyed. I now it wasn't the best, but there's good things coming in the next chapter ;) And im wondering, what would you guys like to see happens when Luke and julie realise they like eachther, like how would it come out. please let me know.

~thanks for reading<3

(1.2.21- 12:37am)

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