Pool Party.

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hey guys, this update is slightly better than the last ones. its also a lot longer as I had a lot of good ideas and I also know where I wanna take this tomorrow. Also I have school tomorrow so it will be a later update again.

~Hope you enjoy


"What were you guys talking about?" Asked my dad as I walked in the room with Luke trailing behind. Then we both began to laugh.

"ohh nothing much dad."

"yeah, just a movie Julie recommended me mr Molina." He laughed loudly so then I slapped his chest. My dad looked very confused.

"So what are your guys' plans for today." Asked my dad.

"i dunno, maybe try and write a new song?" Said Luke turning to me smiling.

"yeah, id like that."i said just staring into his eyes.

"ehhhmmm, so I have to go to work now. I'll see you all later."

"By dad, love you."

"soo julie, where'd you wanna write, the studio orrrr.?"

"we can do it in my room." That caused a few looks from the guys.

"sure, that sounds good."

"i bet it does." Said Alex under his breath causing reg to chuckle.

"oh shut it you guys." I said as I walked past and headed for my room upstairs.

"so julie, where'd you wanna start. You got any ideas." Asked Luke perching next to me on my bed.

"i guess I have a few lyrics stuck in my head."


"something like I got a feeling, that this time it will change. I got a feeling, that I won't feel the same. Don't feel down anymore, I feel alive. I feel something different this time."

"yeah that sounds really good, how'd you come up with that."

"i dunno, I guess there's just been a lot of things floating in my head lately."

"oh yeah, and what things have been up there."

"i don't know, I guess just tryna think things through." I turned to him.

"yeah same, guess im tryna process new things." He turned to me. I smiled. In that moment I wanted nothing more than to confess how I felt. I wanted to tell him how he made me feel. How he had changed me.

"can I tell you something?" He asked.

"Sureeee, what's up?"

"i ehhh errr I don't want to ruin things but..."

"HEY GUYS!" I heard Alex yell at the door, damn it, I really wanted to know what Luke wanted to say.

"oh, hey." Luke said as he looked at me and whispered. "I'll tell you later."

"soo, did you guys get anywhere?" Questioned Alex.

"well, Julie's got a few lines but we got distracted."

"Oh well Flynn called Julie and said she wanted us to go to her house, like asap."

"What why?" I said as I got up from my bed.

"she said that her mom had to go see her Grandma, so she doesn't want to be alone in the house."

"oh, well we can all stay at hers tonight."

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