Perfect harmony.

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Hey guys, I know 3 updates in less than a day. I know this one is short, but I enjoyed writing it and I think it resembles the characters personalities accurately. I may update today again, with a slightly longer chapter, ill be thinking about what to write.

~thanks for reading~


<Julie sat and leant against Lukes door>

I found myself sitting there for a while, just everything mulling over In my mind. Did I like Luke? I MEAN no obviously not, eeeee disgusting. I had completely zoned out, and was unaware of my surroundings until I started to fall backwards, oh no!

"Julie, are you okay, what are you doing?" I heard a voice above me say, and when I opened my eyes and say the big hazel ones staring down at me, I realised.

"Ahhhh, Luke I was just... erm.... having a minute, i'm really tired" i said whilst trying to stand up confidently, hiding my embarrassment. (Well, attempting to.)

"Okayy, why on my door then?" Luke said whilst smirking at me, GOSH DARN IT LUKE.

"It was the closest place okay, don't flatter yourself." I started to walk away as he grabbed my erm. My initial reaction was to slap it, so that's what I did.

"what was that for, I just wanted to ask you something."he said, almost shocked.

"ahaha, I was just joking" I said while playfully pushing his shoulder, maybe I did it a bit too hard send as he stumbled back.

"Wow jules, didn't know you were such a boxer!"

"im not, just tough. So don't mess with me." I said whilst laughing, he just smirked.

"Oh yeah.." He gave me a look that was mischievous as he headed towards me.

"No Luke please ahhhhh." I tried to get out as he picked me up like he did to reg and Alex.

"no, were going to the studio anyways, I may aswell give you a ride."

"what if my dad sees?" He put me down just smirking at me once again. He came closer

"so what?" I froze."were just friends, I pick up everyone." He grinned once again, confidently.

"Ughh, your disgusting. I hate you." I walked away with a smirk on my face too.

"Love you too jules, I know you love me!" That made me laugh, I have to say, I mean it ws true, but in what way did I ?

When I arrived at the studio, the boys were already there, apart from Luke.

"Where is the annoying one?" I asked Alex.

"Oh he, erm he just erm"

"Alex, tell me where he is" I said pretending to be concerned, he found that funny.

"he went to your room, he wanted to check on ..."

"OH MY GOD, my dream box" I yelled

I headed back into the house, storming up the stairs up to my bedroom door, barging in.


"Well, we need a new song and I just thought well, seen as your such a good songwriter that you would have a song ready."

"But Luke I told you, boundaries."

"i know, well I only found one- Perfect Harmony" he looked sad at the piece off paper in his hands. I knew what I wrote. I put the date, the lyrics and.... OMG I PUT I WORTE IT IN DANCE CLASS, DOES HE THINK ITS ABOUT NICK.

"Oh well I just came up with that randomly, for no reason."

"so its not about anyone, really Julie. You think im gonna believe that."he replied, trying to convey a smile, but failing.

"Im being serious " I said trying to grab the paper, but he moved. "please Luke just hand it over."

"No Julie Molina, I want to know who perfect harmony is about." He said with a playful grin.

Then he poofed out, I assumed to the studio, so I ran down there

", Luke, LUKE" I screamed whilst running into Alex and reg.

"Julie, hes not here, are you okay."

"Oh yeah, he was just teasing me and took one of my songs and I want it back. When I tried to grab it, he poofed out. I thought he would come here."

"No, he didn't." Replied Alex, smirking but confused.

"Dont Alex, where is he." I said jokingly punching him.

"Okay, okay I surrender. He is probably at the beach. He goes there a lot to... think."

"Okay thanks, ill go now. I really need that song back."

"What why, its only Luke. You guys write music all the time."

"Yeah, I know. This ones just very...personal, I guess"

"OOOO its about someone isn't it Julie, spill"

"No its not, I came up with it in a- erm, a dream you could say."

"So now your dreaming about someone, and have wrote a song about them and we don't get to know who?"

"No Alex, you don't, because you and reggie have big mouths."

"Oh miss Molina, you are so harsh." Says Alex as he laughs.

"Whatever, i'm gonna go find the song stealer, ill see you later." And with that, I left for the beach.


Thanks so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed, the next chapter at the beach should be interesting, so I thought id leave you on a bit of a cliff hanger, sorry!

(30.1.21- 3:50pm)

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