Facing the facts.

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Hey guys, I know another late update, I'm so sorry. I've just been under a lot of stress with school, but I have my easter break on Wednesday and I'm off school until April 19th, so ill make sure to make updates frequently. Thank you guys so much for understanding. I also wanted to remind you of my new book, it only has three chapters so far but I'm really excited to see where it goes so id really appreciate it if you guys checked it out.

~Hope you enjoy


Julie lay there, dead whilst Luke just sat curled up next to her sobbing. Alex and Reggie were also crying and had their hands on Luke's shoulder to try and comfort him. But the pain that he felt, was something he never thought could leave him. He felt well and truly broken, that the whole world around him was shattered and he could hear his heart pounding in his own chest as the rest of the world went silent. The boys stayed like that, just looking at Julie's dead limp body for a while, not one of them moving a muscle. It was the worst day of their second lives. But then something strange happened. The slow heavy breathing of the three boys was interrupted by a sudden fast-paced breath escaping from the girl lay before them. All of the boys leaned over Julie, now mesmerized by the fact that she wasn't dead. They all quickly wiped their tears though their eyes were still crimson red. Julies' eyes flew open, she looked panicked but her eyes calmed as her eyes met Luke. He then started to cry again, though this time because of happiness.

"Luke, what hap-happened?" Julie asked as the once heartbroken boy stared down at her.

"We-we thought you were gone. Julie i-i-i can't believe I'm speaking to you again."

"No- I feel fine. Better than ever." Julie said sitting up, bringing her hand up to Lukes's cheek.

"Julie, I don't know what to say." He said smiling, bringing his hand up to meet her on his cheek.

"Don't say anything." She said as she slowly moved closer to him, gently placing her lips on his. At that moment Lukes's once broken heart was fixed, he was complete again.

"AHHHHHHH" Luke jolted up from his bed, waking up Alex and Reggie who were on either side of him.

"What- what's wrong," Alex said panicked as he heard the stress in Lukes's voice

"Nothing, I had a dream."

"Was it a bad one?" Reggie asked still half asleep.

"No, it was great Julie was alive." The guys stooped their heads at his words. "Yeah, she woke up and was fond then we kissed, and I'm back here," Luke said annoyed as he plunked his head back on the pillow. He felt the tears welling up in his eyes just at the mention of Julie.

"You know Luke, Ray is taking this better than you and he was her Father. At least he's been in her room." Alex said trying to get Luke to process Julies death.

"But, you don't understand. If I go in there I'm almost accepting she's gone and moving on. Then what? I'm supposed to just forget about how much I loved her." He said growing more annoyed and sad.

"I'm not saying that Luke, I'm trying to help you, okay? We loved Julie too." He said pointing between him and Reggie.

"Yeah, she was like a little sister to me," Reggie spoke up.

"I know guys I'm sorry," Luke replied.

"Listen, Luke, we met Julie when she was in a dark place, but she found the courage to sort out her moms studio. And I know that she's looking down on us right now laughing at Lukes's sad face. She'd wants you to be happy, and maybe you could start by saying goodbye."Alex said as he walked over to sit next to Luke who was now crying

"I know."

The door to Julie's room had only been opened once since her passing, by her father ray. Ray heard the news when the guys told her to come to the club as something terrible had happened. At first, he was angry. Angry with the guys, angry with everyone, angry with the world. But he soon realized that the guys needed his support, as he didn't have anyone to lean on him when Rose died as he had to stay strong for the Kids, he has really supported the guys through this hard time.

Luke slowly walked closer to Julie's bedroom door. Bracing himself for the immense pain he was about to feel when he entered her room. As he stood at her door, acknowledging the simple photos on the front. He traced his fingers over them but stopped on a photo of Julie and himself sat in the studio, Julie intently writing in her notebook as Luke was next to her smiling down at her. He felt his heart warm a little, remembering all the memories of them spending days together writing songs. He then found another picture, one that Julie had taken of him as he was playing his 6-string. This again warmed Lukes's heart just a tad. He then siked himself up before slowly pushing the door open. He looked around Julie's room, taking in the remains of the sweet smell of her perfume. This brought back even more memories. Luke knew this was going to hurt but he needed to do it, for his Julie.


Hello friends, I hope this was an okay chapter for you all. I know it wasn't the longest but I really took my time in putting the emotions in. I really enjoyed writing this chapter even though it was emotional.

~Thanks for reading<3

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