The Diner.

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hello friends, the update is slightly early I know but I didn't have as many classes today so I have spent my afternoon writing this and watching Netflix, pretty chill. This is also a lot longer than usual.

~Hope you enjoy.


"hey guys." I said as I walked into the studio, the boys averting their eyes to me.

"Hey julie, you ready for tomorrow." Luke said as he walked over to me, soon being followed by reggie and Alex.

"ready as I'll ever be, i'm just nervous for you guys. I wanna be there."

"no, remember what I said, you need to be safe. And whatever happens, your gonna be okay."

"dont talk like that, you're gonna go, get rid of Caleb, and then come back here for dinner." I said shuffling my feet, trying to sound enthusiastic and confident.

"okay, but I want pizza."

"yeah, me too. Also I want to eat with Ray, could you invite him Julie." Added Reggie smiling at the thought of having dinner with my dad.

"of course, he really likes you guys seen as you brought music back into my life. We can have dinner with him tonight to if you'd like to Reg?" he smiled like a child on Christmas morning.

"yeah we really like ray too." Nodded Luke smiling, we all just kinda stood there looking at each other, usually id hate something like that but the guys just made me feel safe and comfortable.

"well, seen as all this is going down, I think we should all hang out tonight, in the studio, I'll call Flynn to bring the snacks and an..."

"we'll have a good time Julie, it'll be fun. Don't panic." Luke said seeing as I was getting stressed.

"yeh, yeah we will."

"How are we doing guys." Said Flynn happily entering the studio at around 4pm.

"Your early, and why do you seem so happy." I said quizitively.

""im happy because I get to spend a night with my bestie and her besties." She said walking towards where me and the guys were sat at the couch.

"yeahhh, besties." Said Luke in his high pitched voice laughing.

"sooo what do you guys wanna do?" she asked 

"oooo ooo I saw this thing on Julies laptop, I think its called would you rather." Said Reggie jumping up and down in his seat.

"okay, guess im up for that." I agreed.

"okay, Julie ill ask you first." Said Flynn turning to face me as everybody else did to.

"okay, shoot."

"so, hmmmmm, oooo. Would you rather join a band with Nick or be a duo act with Lukeeeee."

"oh, so everyone just forgets about me and reg, how rude." said Alex pretending too wipe tears from his eyes, that made me laugh.

"i guess I would rather join a duo with Luke, I know him better."

"aww, how nice Jules, I would like to be in a duo with you too." Said Luke hugging me from the side causing an awkward smile to escape everyones lips.

"woah, I didn't say it was my first choice."

"the painnn, the horrrrooorrr." Then we all laughed. Then Luke said, "okay me next, shoot."

"okayyyyy, so would you rather kiss that Emily girl or kiss Julie." Asked Flynn, WHYYYY. I felt myself starting to laugh so I covered it as I pretended to cough.

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