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hey guys, another update here for you. And I'm here to apologize again. I'm so sorry that I haven't updated, I started unperson school again this week so I've just been very stressed and overwhelmed. I know how annoying it is when a book you like hasn't been updated, so from the bottom of my heart, I apologize. And thank you for all the people saying to take my time, I really appreciate all the kind words, so I promise ill get back into the flow of writing.

~Hope you enjoy


"so me and Reggie sneak in the back entrance as Alex distracts with his rambling." Luke began to say.

"hey, I do not ramble. Well I mean everyone does sometimes. But I hardly...." He went silent. "ah, I see now" which made me let out a small laugh, but it didn't feel appropriate to feel any happiness at all lately. The stress of everything that could go wrong, and the underlying factor that Luke and I love each other, so if things go south, I don't know what I'll do. Well, I do. When everyone has been working on this plan, in my head I've come up with a backup that includes me. I can't tell the guys though because they would lock me up in my room if they thought I had any idea of helping. But I needed to. Part of me started this to distract myself, but now that the time is upon us, I'm preparing myself to seriously use it. It's very risky but I'm prepared to do whatever it takes if it keeps my family safe.

"Okay, so when reg and I sneak in, we will find the locked room, poof in there, then set free the souls all at once, hopefully, that will drain his power pretty quickly. Then that's when we run to where Alex is in the main part of the club, hopefully, Caleb is weak when we arrive, then we tie him up then...then we..." he moved towards the couch to sit down. "well, I don't know. I haven't really thought past that point." Luke looked really stressed so I went and sat next to him and looked into his eyes.

"hey, everything will be alright, you guys will figure it out. You always do." I said calmly, it seemed to de-stress him slightly as he smiled softly.

"Thanks." He said as he took a deep breath before standing up. "okay then boys, it's time."

Alex and Reggie both came over to say goodbye to me and Flynn, we hugged them as if we were never going to see them again. Then I looked over and saw Luke by the doorway, a single tear falling his cheek, when he saw me looking at him he quickly stood up straight and wiped the tear away. I started to approach him, but he kept averting his eyes, looking at the floor or the ceiling. So I cupped his cheeks in my hand, forcing him to look at me.

"Everythings gonna be okay- I know it," I said as another tear fell from his eyes. He didn't say another word, just hugged me, hugged me so tight I could barely breathe. But I didn't care, if I died in the arms of the love of my life, that's a pretty good way to go in my opinion.

Soon after the guys set off, it was time for my plan to take action, just as a precaution. I had told Flynn about some parts of it, like the spying part and she agreed. We exited her house, in all black clothes and headed for Sunset boulevard. We hadn't actually been to the club before, but we guessed that it was close. We just aimlessly walked down the streets for what seemed like hours, until we heard two voices coming from an alleyway at the side of this abandoned-looking warehouse. I recognized the guys' voices immediately.

"Remember, we gotta do this for Julie. I love her so much reg." I heard Luke say. We then heard footsteps leading off to the back of the building as we were at the front.

"Alex must already be inside," I told Flynn as I wiped the tear that had fallen as I listened to what Luke was saying.

"Are you okay Jules?" She asked concerned as my voice was slightly shakey.

"Yeah yeah, I'm good. I just heard what Luke said." I replied as she smiled softly as we made our way into the foyer.

"right you go hide somewhere different to me, so if one of us gets caught the other can escape," I said as I started to run away from Flynn but I got dragged back.

"Are you sure you wanna do this? It could end real messy."

"I'm positive Flynn, these guys are my family, I have too," I said as I hugged her before walking away to make my way further into the club. Flynn hid behind a huge movie poster at the entrance. As I walked further, I came to a landing looking over the dance floor, and there I saw Ale sat talking to who I assume is Caleb. Alex looked so nervous though, but I guess he always does. I had to get him out of my mind as I made my way to a huge plant to hide behind it. I think I was pretty well hidden as the plant was double the size of me. Then it was the waiting game. Waiting for Caleb to scream and fall to his knees or something. None of us really had any idea if this would even work, but we had to try something. I then looked over at Alex as he had just been Jolted, they had been getting gradually more frequent and more painful, just like they had before, but I guess they were use to them. Suddenly I heard a cry come from downstairs, it was Alex, not Caleb. Caleb had his bu both the wrists as he burned something into Alex'x skin, making him fall to his knees. I couldn't give away my space just yet, but then I heard Caleb shout.

"and all of your little friends get out here now, or I'll kill Alex. Luke...... Reggie....." He pulled his face then started smirking. "Julie, hmmm didn't expect you to be here." I froze as he began to wickedly laugh-Alex looked so confused before he managed to speak out.

"J-Julie isn't here Calebbb." He said. Shakily but tried to sound stern.

"oh, I think you'll find she is." Suddenly the plant infant of me disappeared, revealing me, crouched down with a shocked look on my face. I then heard footsteps running over to Alex so I looked to see Luke and Reggie. They saw Alex arraign at me so followed his gaze. When Luke's eyes met mine, he looked just as shocked as Alex did.

"Julie what the hell are you doing here." He shouted but then got silenced by Caleb placing his hand on his back, making him fall to the ground as Alex did. I hated seeing them in pain.

"Let them go!" I yelled as I stood up, slowly walking down the steps as I made my way over to them on the dance floor.

"And what do you have to offer, Miss Molina?" He said

"Julie, run, don't say anything. Please, get out of here!" I heard Luke screech. But I knew what I had to offer.



AHHHH, we are getting close to the big finale, I wonder what Julie will do ;) Anyway, thanks again for being so patients guys, writing this book has been such a fun experience so when I've finished this I'm going to start another one, I already have ideas. But I don't think it is going to be jatp related, I think I wanna create my own characters as I feel I could explore many different topics if I created them. So when this is finished, hopefully in the next week, be sure to keep a lookout for my new book!

~Thanks for reading<3

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