Chapter 15 ~ the cave

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Days grew into weeks... And weeks grew into months as the Warners slowly made there way to Warnerstock. Dot had gotten ill from what yakko though was being out in the freezing cold for to long. He was so so worried about his siblings safety at this point, he could not think of anything else but getting them so place warm to rest and get better. He didn't want to give up on their task... But he need help.. He looked up to the sky carrying dot up a steep hill with Wakko holding onto his tail. After half an hour of walking they could fin rest as yakko spotted a cave. Success!! This would be their shelter for the night. Quickly, yakko jumped up and started to gather wood and then chucked it all in the middle of the cave (which wasn't very big because you know.. Bears and stuff... #2scury4me) and then turned to his little brother. "Hey Wak, think you'd have any matches in your gag bag..?" He crouched down just in front of the fire and then looked back up at Wakko. "Umm, I think so.." With that Wakko pulled his gag bag from out of nowhere (cartoon magic✨Wakko potter💥) and quickly searched through for some matches. 5 minutes later Wakko pulled out a box of 10 matches,"found them yakko!!" Wakko said exited about being warm during the night as he threw the box to yakko. Yakko then proceeded to take out a match and light a fire in the bits of wood he had picked up earlier. "There.. That should last us the night sibs!" Yakko smiled making his way to sit in between his two younger siblings. He loved their smiles. It made him so happy. They both snuggled into him and closed their eyes as yakko stroked the back of their heads. It didn't take long for Wakko to fall asleep, he was a heavy sleeper. Dot however, was not as much of a sleeper, which was ok since neither was he and that Meant when he woke up he had someone to talk to. Anyway dot did fall asleep quite quickly as she hadn't slept in a few days. Yakko slowly started to drift of...
He was back in his dream again... The same place as last time... He ran towards the door which his mother has come out of to greet him. When he reached the door he gave it a gentle knock and waited for a reply.... But nothing happened.. He knocked again smiling when the door slowly opened reviling what looked like a bedroom. There he saw his mother sat in bed with a newborn baby boy. He quickly climbed up and looked down in the baby. A beautiful boy.. His mother smiled as she looked up at him. "Your a big brother Yakko...! Meet your baby brother Wakko..!" Yakko peered over at him and as Wakko shoved his hands up in the air and giggled when yakko placed his finger in the infants tiny hands. Yakko loved the Wakko the moment he set eyes on him. "I'll make it my mission to keep him safe!" Yakko smiled as his mother giggled. His father came in from behind yakko and tickled him making yakko laugh.

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