Chapter 1 ~ early morning

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"GOOD MORNING YOU ZANY KIDS!!!" A familiar voice came from below the tower followed by three
sleepy groans from the three sleepy 'puppy children'. "We're up! We're up..." The eldest of the
three siblings, Yakko, shouted down from the water tower. "Why does he wake us up so early?..."
The youngest, Dot spoke up as her brother closed the door to the tower. "Honestly Dot I have no
idea.. But what I do know is we are going to get him back!" Yakko turned to face his little sister who
was now climbing down the ladder of her bed and then up at the top bed which had 'Wakko'
written on the blue wood. "Wakkoooo..." yakko said shaking his younger brother slightly. Wakko sat
up slowly in his bed looking at Yakko. "What?....."
"It's time to get uppp.."
"Because Scratchy said soooo.."
Wakko turned around and started to go down the ladders and once he got to the floor he made his
way to the dresser located near their bed. He picked out his normal shirt which was his light blue
turtleneck and also got Yakko his long brown pants and belt and Dot already had her adorable pink
skirt/dress and had already left to get dressed and sorted out. Wakko and Yakko however stayed in
the bedroom and got changed. "So what is Scratchy gunna be doing with us today?" Wakko turned back to
his brother and give a slight smile towards him thinking about all the stuff they were gunna do
today. Neither of them knew this may just be one of the worst days of their life..... Well not worse
just sort of in the bad section of life... Ya know a good day bad day IM GETTING COMPLETELY OF

"Well knowing Scrathy we're all gunna 'no longer be zany'" Yakko laughed as Dot walked through
the door all dressed and ready for the day. "Why doesn't he and Mr.Plotz just give it up already it's
never going to happen!" Dot laughed as she joined her brothers and opened the door of the water
tower. "Who knows Dot" Yakko laughed back. "Anyway we all ready to go?"
"Of course!"
"Then let's go!" Yakko shouted as he jumped out of the water tower and slid down the ladder, followed shortly after by his two younger siblings.

to be continued

☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
So I'm trying to add humour into this because you know it's Animaniacs and its funny so I'm just letting my brain write on the page.... I don't have one.... Well then this is awkward.... Well chapter 2 in development ~ I'm think a chapter everyday! What you think? Yea or na?

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