Chapter 11 ~ goodbyes

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The Warners spent the night at Lucy's house (with permission from their mother of course). They loved her! She was awesome! And she didn't freak out as soon as she saw them! But Wakko developed more than the 'friendship' relationship that his two other siblings gained with lucy, he had a crush on her. Wakko was afraid to admit to it though... Not like him at all I known. Anyway night soon came again and they had already told Lucy where they were heading to, "Could I come?.." Lucy asked in a sheepish voice. "We would let you Lucy it's just I don't even want to take dot! We don't know what's going to happen therefore dot and Wakko are enough for me to handle! Sorry Lucy.." Yakko replied in a more calm tone, as exited as he was he had to keep his calm leader side showing. "No!.. It's fine!.. I understand..." Lucy said opening the door to let the trio out. "Well Lucy, thanks for letting us stay over! See you when we get back!" Yakko added taking his siblings hands and walking back to the home with Ariel.

"Mom!! We're home!!!" Wakko yelled walking through the door being followed by his siblings. "Oh! Hello darlings! How was your night out?" Ariel said sweetly as she hugged them all. "It was awesome!" Dot yawned indicating she was still tired. "Good!" Ariel giggled. "Well... We leave for WarnerStock tonight..." Yakko said his smile turning into an 'ok' face. "oh yeah... But it's what you want!... And I'm happy with that!"

"We will come back Mom!"

"Yea don't worry!"

Animaniacs ~ Family.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن