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Babies! Okay, I missed you guys first off, things have been a bit hectic on my side that's why I haven't been updating as much as I should be, BUT the next chapter will definitely be up soon.
OKAY! Next thing! Sooo a couple of days ago I was on tumblr and I was going through the 5sos tag and I saw a post request for new writers. At first I thought... Hell no! I'm definitely not good enough, but I'm trying to be a bit more positive about things so I thought it ultimately couldn't hurt to submit a story (they mostly specialize in smut) So one of the owners asked me who in 5sos was my fave (I love them all) but I chose Ash cause you know... DUHHHH, so anyways, she sent me a request about you and Ash going camping and then things get steamy, so I wrote and wrote and finally submitted. So here's the thing, it's doing really good so far, I guess they're trying to see who gets the most notes (it's between me and someone else I think) and the other person has slightly more. So for those who have a tumblr the girls account is 5-shades-of-grey, it would be a HUUUGE help if you all would like my story or reblog and give it some positive feedback, I'm just trying my hand in something new and it would be amazing to accomplish something that everyone can enjoy! So MY personal tumblr is @greatly. Yep! Just (greatly) and you guys can definitely follow if you want! I'm not forcing you at all, it's only if you wish! But I would greatly appreciate it if you guys would like or reblog and comment on my (smut story about Ash and camping lol)

AGAIN: the story is on 5-shades-of-grey blog and you guys can definitely vote for the other girl too, no hate in my game she's really good!

My personal tumblr is (greatly) and I'll follow you back right away ONLY IF YOU WANT TOO!

So if you guys do decide to like it or reblog tell me what you thought of it! And I also want to start doing personal requests from you guys as a bit of practice! You guys can request on tumblr (I might just make a personal 5sos blog too for your personal requests only) or you guys can request right here! ☺️☺️☺️☺️


And CODE RED! Michaels hair is blue now!!!! This is not a drill!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2015 ⏰

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