Chapter 2: Promises

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It's now Friday, after the incident in world history on Monday I was looking for the mystery boy to express how thankful I was for sticking up for me. But of course, having the misfortune I do, he never showed up back to class. I've only seen him maybe a couple of times in the hallway, but never in class and as fast as he appears he disappears. I got a call from Carter saying he wants to have our Friday night hang outs. It's kind of our ritual we've shared all these years, and since Carter Is huge in the local performing arts and acting world he knows every club, bar, and hot spot in San Francisco. I decided to go all out, I straighten my long hair and perfected my winged liner. I topped it off with my little black dress, off the shoulder cardigan, and ankle strap heels. I tried to put on my best face, but all I could think about was that prominent Aussie accent that just can't seem to leave my head. My phone rings and I know it's Carter. "Hey, flower! You ready? I'm outside." I grabbed my bag while I told him I was on my way downstairs,

"Holy shit! Look at you!" I start to blush, I'm pretty used to Carters compliments by now, but I can't help but curl up. "Thanks so much cart! You don't look half bad yourself," I say with a playful smile. "Well you know, I try, for you at least..." He notices that I cringe a little, "Oh I'm sorry! I um, didn't mean to make that weird," " No! It's totally cool,I'm used to it remember?" I got a smile out of him that confirmed he's relaxed. We cruise for about an half an hour, I don't dare ask where we are headed, I've learned to never ask on our Friday night outings. After a little while more we pull up to the biggest arena in San Fran. As we made our way inside I was blown away, there were lights every which way, and by the looks of it about 5000 people were scattered about. Carter grabbed my arm and led us to great seats. "Carter, what the ever loving hell are we doing here?!" He gives me his sly look, but he overlooks the fact that I just asked the forbidden question. "Well, there's a new band in town and they are absolutely AMAZING, I'm friends with their manager and he invited me out to see them." I looked at him in amazement, it still amazes me how he knows all these people.
The lights start to dim and girls were screaming from every direction. Whoever they are must be really popular with the ladies, I swear I saw a couple of panties fly.
The manager comes out and introduces the boys, he stepped up to the mike and with the most boisterous voice he could muster up he introduces Calum and one of the most handsome boys I've ever seen runs out and takes his place at the left of the stage. Next to be called was Michael, out came a gorgeous fare boy with the most amazing hair I've ever seen, he takes his place on the right side of the stage, next to be introduced was luke, he runs out and I almost died, he takes a place in the middle of Calum and Michael. "And lastly, one of the best drummers in the world right now, please welcome Ashton to the stage!!!"
I looked to my right and there he was. HIM, it was HIM, and at that moment... Nothing else mattered to me, not Carter talking about how hard I'm staring, not the fans, not the lights just those four boys... Those four boys and Ashton. I swear as soon as he came out he looked right at me and smirked, but it couldn't have been at me...could it?
The band, I later found out, was known as 5 seconds of summer, and throughout a span of an hour and a half they performed 10 songs. I was immediately star struck, but I had to maintain my composure.

"Okay, come on, how good was that!" I heard Carter shout, but I was spaced out... Completely blank. The entire performance was in fact one of the best I've seen, throughout the entire thing I swear I was getting winks from Ashton, but again... Imagination can lead you to some fucked up places. After the boys were done Carter grabs my arm. "Carter! What the fuck?! Where are you taking me THIS time?" " I'm taking you backstage to meet everyone." Lord knows, I wasn't ready for this at all, I just decided to play it cool, plus I had some questions for Mr Ashton.

"Carter! Hey man, how you doin?" A fairly tall man in a white shirt came up to us, I'm guessing he was the manager. Carter introduced me as his best friend and I shook the managers hand.
The managers name was Adam, and behind him were 4 sweaty boys. I was introduced to all, I could tell they had different personalities that just drew me in instantly. Ashton looked at me and said "Hey Sloan, long time no see." On his face was the smuggest smirk I've ever seen. I looked at him with the straightest face I could muster up and said "Like wise," coldly. I could tell he wasn't phased by my attitude. "Wait, you two know each other?" Said Carter. I looked at him guiltily, I never told him about the little mishap that happened in class and I wasn't about to start, some things were just better off being kept to myself, and knowing Carter he would definitely make a big deal. Ashton looked at Carter and said "uh we just have honors world history together, and I kinda need to ask her what I missed this past few days, Sloan do you mind coming with me for a bit?" He motioned his head to the exit sign, and I had to force myself to start walking because I felt weak. We made our way outside, the night air was cool and the moon was out. Ashton turned around to look at me, "Why the long face? Did you miss me THAT BAD?" He gives the cutest giggle and I swear I started sweating in places sweat shouldn't be. "Your boyfriend seemed a bit upset." "He's not my boyfriend first, and second where'd you go, and third your in a band?! Not even a small band, Ashton, you're kind of a big deal!" He looked at me for a few seconds just watching me rant I'm not even sure he heard anything I said! "So you did miss me?" He says rubbing his stubble, that nearly made me pass out. "Ashton, no I kind of just wanted to thank you for sticking up for me, Jonah can be... hard to deal with." "Well," he said, "I felt it was necessary, and I meant every word I said, I hope you know that."
My entire existence didn't matter at that moment. Damn, what is he doing? "Ash, time to go" Adam came out to get him. He looked at me with those green eyes that I realized made me weak in every part. "Thanks for coming Sloan, I'll see you early Monday morning, I promise you that."
And with that he turned around and started to walk away. At the same time Carter came out and I knew I was in for a brutal argument, "so why didn't you tell me about him?" Carter began
"Why do you care anyways? Also aren't you supposed know everyone and anyone that enters campus" I snap back
"What the fuck is that supposed to mean Sloan" he stops dead-in his tracks but I kept walking a little before I turn around and said fuck it, I'll say whatever needs to be said, at that moment I didn't care "It means whatever you want it too Carter I'm tired of you always worrying about me this is never going to happen! WE are never going to happen!" I pause before I say anything else I might regret,the expression on carters face reveals heartbreak and I feel bad for a second before it disappears "actually you know what forget it" I mumble to myself but loud enough for carter to hear as I turn on my heel and head to the bright red exit sign.
The car ride home was long and awkward the only thing going through my head was ways to apologize and Ashton's million dollar smile. We pull up to my drive way "I'm sorry Carter I didn't mean it I was just mad" I said while looking at my hands in my lap I see his hand reach over and for a second I thought he was going to put his hand on my thigh but instead he pushes the passenger door open "goodnight Sloan" he says in a flat tone,I get out of the car and stand in my drive way in awe for a few seconds before deciding to go inside. Today was crazy I really just need some sleep.

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