Chapter 11: Too Good

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I've been smiling like an idiot at everything. Wash the dishes, smile like an idiot, fold the laundry, smile like an idiot, take a pee, smile like a fucking idiot! And it was all because of Ash. It's hard not to be happy, I already knew I was in too deep, but I didn't mind. After so many years of not being comfortable with who I was in my own skin it felt great to be wanted...needed. To feel him, to see him smile and be so genuine. It felt too good to be true, and that scared me all too much, but I won't continue to be negative about stupid shit, and the first step to doing that is getting in touch with Carter.

I texted Carter asking him to meet me at the park by my house, we would often go there after school when we were kids and he surprisingly agreed.
It only took me a minute to get dressed. I made my way through the streets and made sure to enjoy the day as I walked towards my destination. I turned through the gravely walkway and looked ahead of me, and there he was, on time, like I knew he would be. I saw him straighten his lean back as I approached him, and as much as he would've liked to hide his excitement to see me, he couldn't. We didn't say anything as I made my way closer to him, he just stood up and we embraced silently. I started to tear up. I missed him, and I made a silent promise to myself right there in his arms that I would be a much better friend to him. A friend that he deserves. "I missed you flower." Carter loosened his grip and raised his head to look at me, both of his long arms reached up to wipe the now flowing tears from my face with his thumbs. "I'm sorry Sloan," I put my hands up to stop him. I wiped my face and replied "Carter I'm the shitty friend and I'm the one who needs to give the apology," I stared into his eyes and continued, "We've been best friends since we were 6 years old! We've seen each other at our best and our worst, I never should have handled things the way I did, you didn't deserve it." He pulls me in for another hug and I took that as him accepting my apology. He motions to me to sit on a bench, and we walk over. "So, Ashton huh?" he said with a raised eyebrow, I smile and nodded at him. "Look Sloan, I can't protect you from everything, but I can definitely try, and as much as I hate to admit it... Ashton is a pretty cool guy," I smile and held his hands in mine. "I love you Cart... Always will..." He replied with a small squeeze of my hand, and for once, my world was okay.
My mom was home for the day so I decided to take this brilliant moment to ask to borrow the car. I walk towards the couch to see that woman sprawled out on her back snoring loudly. I shake my head and smiled, my mom works really hard, and after my dad passed away she has always made sure I was taken care of. I snapped out of my thoughts and got back to the task at hand. I shook her slowly "Mooooom," "Moooooooom!" The silent whisper thing wasn't working, so I decided on something much more...straight to the point.
"LESLIE!" She shot up and looked absolutely terrified and before I knew it I was leaning over with laughter. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't ground you for the rest of your life?" I had to get serious. "Can I borrow the car PLEASE!" She looks at me with her signature stare and her face softens. "If it will get you out my face and back to my nap then sure." She waved her arms and I was out the door.

I walked up to the door that I've become so familiar with and rang the doorbell. Ash's car was parked in the driveway so I knew he was home. Standing there was the hardest thing ever, I heard footsteps coming to the door. "Hi!" The voice I heard wasn't Ashton's, the face I was looking at wasn't Ashton's, the perfectly 5'5 blonde staring at me wasn't Ashton.
"Hi, ummm is Ashton here by any chance?" She looked behind her and smiled sweetly before offering me her hand to shake and answered "No he isn't, but I'm Bailey...Ashton's girlfriend."

I LOVE YOU GUYS WAY TOO MUCH! I hope you liked it! If you haven't read any of the other chapters don't forget to do so!! 😘😘😘

Love, Cheyenne 💕

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