Chapter 7: Drilling Holes

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I literally can't stand the dentist office! This is what I woke up early for? I'd rather be in school at this point. I look over to my right and saw a little boy trying to find God knows what in his nose! "Ugh, gross," I scoffed. I decided to check Twitter while I was locked up in the waiting room, while scrolling down my time line I get a text:

Ash: I hate you! 👎

Sloan: Really Ash! What did I do NOW

Ash: You left me all alone in this stupid classroom with stupid people and I kinda miss throwing paper balls at your head 😩😂

Sloan: ASHTON IRWIN! Are you trying to tell me that you miss me?! Hmmmm???!!! 😱👀

Ash: I said nothing about missing you, I said I miss throwing paper balls at your HEAD, there's a difference 😒

Sloan: Sassy little shit head lol

Ash: That's me boo boo!

Sloan: Goodbye forever. I can't believe you just said that! Lmao 😭

Ash: Yeah, I know that was TERRIBLE!!!

Ash: Oh shit! Just got caught by Patterson! Talk to you later, hopefully the Dentist won't miss your teeth and drill a hole through your gums lmao! 😂😂😂😂✌️

Sloan: Asshole... 👋

I was laughing so hard when my name was finally called. "Sloan Hoffman," I quickly got up and made my way into the room.

On the ride back home Ashton and I were texting again and I was laughing way too hard! My mom looked over at me and smiled while shaking her head "Tell Carter I said hi!" I looked over at her and giggled a bit "Mom, I'm not texting Carter..." Her face instantly lit up and she started squealing, "WHAT! You've never texted anybody other than him! Who is it?" She quickly bent her head over to look at my phone, "Ashton!!! Who's Ashton! Oh my god!" She was laughing hysterically which made me laugh and I swear if I was lighter you could've seen me blush. "Mom, it's just a friend I've met recently that's all."
"I just can't believe it!" Mom was definitely the type to over react about things, but even if she's over reacting why do I feel butterflies in the deepest part of my stomach?


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