Chapter 12: Lost Boy

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Stunned. That's how I felt standing there like an idiot! I should've known better! I did. I did know better and that's what made me pissed the most. It all made perfect sense, I was being used, just a replacement until she came back into his life. How could he do this? I open up for a minute and this is what I get. It took me a moment to realize that I was still standing outside of Ash's door with Bailey giving me a strange look. Who could blame her? "Oh hi! Um I'm Sloan, Ash's... Friend from school just wanted to ask about a project we had to do, did you say his girlfriend?"
Bailey looked at me with her icy blue eyes and I could tell she was taken aback by the sudden change of conversation. "Uh yeah, I'm so excited to be back after all that time modeling you know?" Oh model. I definitely should've known, if I didn't feel shitty before I definitely do now and if there was a cliff close to this god damn house I would jump in hopes of falling into another universe. I had to get out of this, the tears were already threatening my entire existence. "Well, it was a pleasure Bailey." She smiled and I didn't wait for her to respond, I turned on my heels and made my way into the car. All I did was drive. I didn't know where I was and I didn't care, so many thoughts in my mind at once. And then it happened. No not here please. Please. Too late. Here came the breakdown, I turned off a path by an old abandoned warehouse and parked. I knew I would be there for a while, I was so angry, how could he lie? Take my trust and run, it hurt more than I thought it would and that made me angrier. Tears of anger always feel better than the actual sad crying because you can hit shit and scream out the pain, and when your done, you carry on. For and hour that's what I did. Now, it was time for me to carry on. I had to get back to me, the best way to do this was to pretend like nothing happened. I didn't happen, Ash didn't happen, WE never happened, and if I could do that I could do anything. That thought instantly made me feel better, and I started up the car.

Thank the Gods for GPS, because I would've been fucked and I just wanted to go home, watch Netflix, and drink some tea. I turned on the street Ash lived, why? Maybe I'm a glutton for punishment or just plain stupid, but I couldn't turn back now.
I squint into the distance and see flashes of red and blue lights. "What the hell?" As I got closer, I noticed about a dozen police cars lined around Ashton's house, but the most surprising sight of all was seeing Ash handcuffed and being put into a police car. This day just took another fucking turn, and now I'm sick to my stomach, this won't end well.

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