Chapter 10: Slip Ups

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I tried to move but I felt a long muscled arm holding me tight. I stretched out a free hand and retrieved my phone from the night stand. I squinted at the brightness and the time read 2:00. I put the phone back down softly, it was 2 and I had to head back home before mom got off of work. I didn't want any of what I was feeling to end, I still couldn't believe that I fell asleep with Ash holding me, it was magic. I tried to wiggle out of his grip when I heard him grunt, "Sloooaaaaaann, stop moving!" I stopped struggling and said, "Ash, it's kinda 2 in the morning and I have to get home." He loosened his grip on me and sat up to rub his eyes. "Oh man, I didn't even realize how late it got." All of a sudden his eyes twinkled and a smile spread across his face. "And what are you smiling at!" I said and threw a pillow at him, which he quickly grabbed before it touched him. "We spent the night together," he looked down and started to fiddle with his pillow then looked back up at me. "And it was one of the best nights of my life Ashton," I replied softly. He got on his knees and moved closer to me, his hands reached to softly grab under my hair and I held my face up towards his "One last kiss?" My eyes never left his and I nodded my head.

Ashton's POV

"Wake up dickhead!" I felt the blinds open up burning my eyes. "Really Michael? Close the blinds!" I turned towards the boys walking into my room, Michael was holding his phone up and I knew he was making a keek.
"And this ladies and gentlemen, is why Ash is always late!" He pointed the camera at me and I smiled "Hiiiii!" I said and the few seconds were over.
"Wait... Late for what?" Luke and Calum made their way to into my bed and they both snuggled on the opposite side me of me. Calum was looking up at his phone and responded to my question "We were supposed to go out to breakfast with some lads from the crew today mate." I grunted. I forgot all about that. After I dropped Sloan off to her house this morning I crashed when I came back home. "Shit, I'm sorry guys, did you all not go?" Luke was the one to answer "Did you really think we would go out to breakfast without you dude?" I looked at him and I knew Luke better than he knew himself. "Yes Luke, that's definitely what I think you would do." Michael was next to respond "Well, that's exactly what we did, buuuuuuuut we brought you back food because we're not entirely the biggest assholes on the planet." I really did have the most amazing friends in the world, out of all the people in the world I could've been in a band with, I was stuck with them, and I wouldn't have it any other way. "Ash! What are these?" Mikey made his way over to my nightstand and saw a cardigan hanging off the back of my computer chair. Oh crap! The boys will never let this one down. "Ummm... Well... That's ummm... That kinda belongs to Sloan." I looked around to all of there faces and I knew exactly what was coming my way. Cal looked over at me and back at his phone and I thought I heard him whisper under his breathe "I'm never wrong, she's smart." I had no idea what he was talking about or what he said to her, and I had no interest in finding out.
"Ash, your serious about her aren't you?" said Luke raising his eyes and biting his lip waiting for my answer. I definitely was and that was something I couldn't hide from the boys. "Never mind," said Luke "Your face says it all." I looked at him guiltily. "Well!" said Michael slyly, "Someone had a really great time last night!" He held up Sloan's cardigan with his fingers. I rolled my eyes, "We didn't have sex last night, she just stayed over for a while." The boys expressions went blank. "Yep! He likes her!" Michael yells as he places Sloan's cardigan neatly back on the chair.
"Well did you tell her about..." I cut Mikey off mid sentence. "No! She doesn't... She doesn't know about that..."
They all stare back at me, and I slide out of the bed, making my way downstairs to my breakfast, feeling the boys stares on my back as I made my way out of the room.


- Cheyenne *

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