Chapter 5: Something Else

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Before I knew it practice was over and I got up to help pack the things. I was helping Luke put one of his guitars back into its case when I heard Ashton walking up behind me. "Hey, I'm so sorry!" I looked up at Ash confused. "Ashton what are you talking about? Sorry for what?" Ash took a moment and pointed over to our backpacks, "Homework! You were gonna help me catch up!" Ashton does his signature giggle and my heart jumps. "Oh! Holy shit Ashton, I forgot all about that," I giggle a little bit, remembering that the only reason I was here was to help him catch up in World History, yet I spent most of the evening listening to this band play there hearts out and it wasn't even a real show! To be honest, I didn't regret it one bit, these boys were so much better than any assignment. The only downfall was I didn't get to help Ashton with his makeup work. Before the conversation went any further Michael came up to us "Hey Ash, we're heading over to that Italian restaurant down the street you coming? Sloan is more than welcome to join us." At this point Calum, Luke, and Michael were staring with there things in hand ready to leave, Ashton made a quick glance towards me and said "Ugh, sorry guys, I have to make sure Sloan gets home safe, I'm the reason she's here so... I'm responsible for her." He looks down at his feet and I think he was blushing, but I couldn't tell. "Well okay! Fine with us! Text us when your finished bro..." Says Luke with a cute little giggle. "Nice to meet you Sloan!" Michael yells as all three walked out of the warehouse, suddenly Calum turns, raises his eyebrows at me and smiles then follows Luke and Michael. "What was that about?" asks Ashton. "Nothing!" I replied "Just an...inside joke." I said remembering my short conversation with Calum earlier. "Alrighty then! Let's get you home." We both walk out and Ashton shuts off the lights to the warehouse.

It was around 8 when Ash pulled up to my house. Throughout the entire car ride we made small talk, he asked me about my favorite bands, favorite books, and my plans of the future. Now sitting at the edge of my driveway I realized something... I didn't want to leave, better yet, I didn't want him to leave me. I get way too attached to boys, and it's gotten me hurt before, so before I jumped to any conclusions It was imperative not to let myself fall, because when I fall... I free fall... And I end up falling right on my face.
"I'm sorry we didn't get to get any work done today." I looked down into my lap, I couldn't look directly into his eyes while talking to him, because I knew for sure that if I did I would choke on every word. "Don't even worry about it! It was great having you at practice today." He was staring directly at my face. I didn't dare look up. I didn't dare. I couldn't.
"It was a blast Ashton, but what are we gonna do about Patterson? She expects your work to be done by the end of the week!" He throws his head and laughs and pulls his arm around the head rest of his seat. Oh god. I'm cringing. Who looks like that?! He quickly snaps me out of my thoughts and says "Well... It's only Tuesday, we can definitely try again tomorrow." I was about to agree when I remembered that I had a dentist appointment tomorrow so I'll be missing school. "Ooh well I think I'll have to take a rain check on that, dentist appointment tomorrow."
"Dentist?! So you'll be missing school too?" I nod my head at him and his expression turns playful. "Oh my god! How will I ever go on!" He throws his head back again in irresistible laughter and I hit him on the shoulder which caused him to laugh harder. "I hate you!" I giggled as I opened up the door and stepped outside. I reached my front door and opened it, I turned around and Ash rolled down the window "I hate you more!" he screamed and I had to laugh. "Night Irwin!" I said and I walked in and closed the door.
I made my way up to my room and threw my things down. I decided to take another quick shower. About 20 minutes later I checked my phone and saw a text:

Ashton: Good night Sloan, good luck with your appointment tomorrow 😷😴

I sent a quick "thank you" in reply and dropped into the comfort of my bed. Man, this kid is definitely something else.

Addicted to BlackOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora