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Hey guys! Okay... I just wanted to address some things that have been really bothering me lately. There have been some things in regards to our fandom "FAMILY" that haven't been sitting well with me.
First off, I don't know the full story of what's happening with so called "girlfriends" and Calum's sobriety (or lack there of) but I kind of wanted to get some things off my chest and I decide to do it here, on MY story, because even though we are all complete strangers we come together for 4 of the boys that make us happy.
I would just like to say that the boys work their asses off for us, that's no secret. They've been through thick and thin and there is no question that their work ethic is off the charts! With that being said, they deserve time to be free! Everyone's complaining about Calum's drinking and fucking and so called "drug use" but let's take a moment to be completely real here... There is no where that says Calum can't do what he wants to do. Our job as his "fans/fam" is to be there if and when his actions falter. This "fame is getting to their heads" is bullshit and you guys know better. I believe it has nothing to do with fame and money and whatever else. The only thing that I WILL say is, what those girls said on Instagram really hurt and took a toll on a lot of loyal fans. No matter the age group.
We are the backbone and these boys love us with everything they have EVEN if they don't know you, they know you, or you feel like they know you and isn't that what attracted us to them in the first place? No girl, whether close or not can question the loyalty that the 5sos fandom has, each and everyone one of you are special and the boys love you no matter what. They know that we are quick to defend and we don't take dumb shit lightly. We just need to put ourselves in other people's shoes without jumping the gun so quickly. Like I said, just MY opinion if you guys wanna discuss and share what you think then you can. I respect ALL views of this dumb shit.

Love you ALL, sorry for the bible I wrote! I needed that. 😚😚😚.


Btw guys READ CHAPTER 10! I feel abandoned lol I know it's trash but just PRETEND that you like it lol I don't mind 😘

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