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Jaytemis(from Redhood and the outlaws)

Meeting the Family

Artemis sighed.

"Come on let's go in already"

''I am not ready yet to.'' Jason says.

''If you didn't want to come you could have said so I wouldn't have minded.'' said Artemis. Jason you shouldn't put yourself in situations that you are not comfortable with."

''I couldn't say no.'' Jason sighs. ''Diana invited me I have declined so many of her invitations that I just couldn't say no to her plus Alfred promised to make my favorite dessert"

''So are you planning on ringing the doorbell this year or...?''

''I am not ready yet.''

Artemis took a few steps forward and rang the doorbell ignoring the bat glare that Jason gave her.

''What part of I'm not ready did you not understand?'' Jason says annoyed.

''The part that I'm really hungry and can't and don't want to wait any longer.'' She answered.

Alfred opened the door with a smile on his face.

''It is lovely to see the two of you again Mater Jason and Miss Artemis.''

''It's nice to see you too Alfie.'' Jason said as he gave Alfred a hug. Artemis nods her head at the older man.

"Now.. now let's get inside before dinner turns cold." said Alfred.

When they arrived at the dinning room, all of the people look in his direction.

Bruce sits at the head of the table as always, with Damian to his right and Diana to his left. Dick sits next to Damian while Tim sits on the other side of the table next Barbara and Cassandra.  Jason and Artemis take a seat at the empty places  next to Damian.

''Hey Jason, Artemis, how are you?'' Tim asked.

'I'm fine.'' Jason answered with Artemis nodding in agreement.

''Hey, nice to finally meet you in person. I heard a lot about you." said Cassandra as she stretched her hand out for Artemis to shake.

''Likewise.'' Artemis responded shaking her hand.

''I am Barbra, Nice to meet you.'' Barbra said as she also shook hands with Artemis.

''Ooh..I am Cassandra.'' Cassandra said quickly.

Artemis turned her attention to Dick. 

''It's nice to see you again.'' He said as he shakes her hand. 

Damian just noded at the two of them as a greeting.

"It's nice to see you again Artemis" said Diana.

"Likewise my princess" replied Artemis.

Bruce just noded his head.

''I am really  glad you all could come.'' said Diana.

''Well who can say no to you Diana?'' Dick smiles and the others agree.

"I don't know if that's a compliment or are you guys just calling me stubborn" said Diana.

"Both" said all of the Batfamily.

"Isn't it weird that literally every male member of this family has or had romantic feeling for an amazon?" First was Bruce with Diana then Dick dated Donna for a while and now Jason and Artemis. Soon enough Tim will be with Cassie as well" said Cassandra as she winked at Tim.

Tim glared at her and threw his spoon in her direction.

"You didn't deny it" said Damian.

Tim groaned as the others laughed.

"Hey I thought we were supposed to embarrass Jason not me besides you are one to talk Dami Raven has you under her control" said Tim putting emphasis on the word Dami.

Damian scoffed and was about to reply when Alfred walked in the room with dinner and he handed out the food and sat at the other end of the table across from Bruce.

The starter was carrot soup and that there are many different kinds of meat and a few vegetarian dishes they can choose from for Damian. For Dessert Jason's favorite chocolate Oreo waffles.

''So.''  Diana began as she finished her soup and faced Jason. ''How did you and Artemis meet?''

''We met on a mission. I was on this mission to was to join black mask's gang so I could take him down and to be able to join I had to find some kind of weapon for him which turned out to be Bizarro. There I came across Artemis who was looking for her bow'' Diana nods in acknowledgment.

''You guys are living together now right?'' asked Tim ''Where do you live?''

''We live in an Apartment close to Crime ally." answered Artemis

''But enough about us what about you. Are you guys seeing  anyone" said Jason as he winked at Tim and Damian.

Tim turned red and said a no quickly. Jason turned his attention on Barbara who shook her head and then to Cassandra who just raises her eyebrows in a annoyed expression. Then he eyes Damian who glared at him menacingly.

''Can we talk about something more serious than love?'' Damian complained.

''Sure thing little bird.'' Dick replied. ''So how is school doing.''

Cassandra groaned. ''Ugh''

''It is going as expected. I do not understand why I have to go I learnt this stuff when I was 5.'' Damian replied

''Because it is good for you to socialize with people your age and-'' Bruce gets cut off by Barbara.

''To keep up appearances.'' Barbara said. 

''You are still in school right?'' said Dick as Tim glared at him.

''Yes but I haven't been in the building like in months. Now that you mention it I have to put some effort in it otherwise I have to repeat the year."

''All of you should put school on your list of priorities you know how important a good education is right?''

''Of course Alfred.'' They all nodded.

So the dinner continued and  time passed and the manor got filled with laughter and happiness as they continue talking about the new couple much to Jason and Artemis' displeasure. When the dinner finished everyone said their goodbyes to each other before heading home. Diana and Alfred decide to accompany Artemis and Jason to their bike.

''I am really glad you came, master Jason.''

''Me too Alfie .'' Jason said as he gave Alfred and Diana a hug.

"Take care and call me when you get home" said Diana.

"Yes mom" said Jason playfully.

As Jason and Artemis sat on Jason's motorbike and put on their helmets Artemis leaned forward. 

''Did you enjoy the dinner?''

''Yes'' Jason answered.

''So when is the next one?'' Artemis asks.

"In a year or two" said Jason.

"I don't mind"

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