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It was about 5 am when Damian, Jason and Dick returned from a mission to Mount Justice. They had just had a mission that had lasted 15 hours and they were all more than ready to just fall into bed but they had to take a shower. They sneaked into the main room so they could get to the showers but they stooped suddenly when they noticed two familiar figures cuddling on the couch.

"It that Tim and Cassie?" asked Jason. "I didn't know they were a thing"

"Then you are really blind Jaybird."

"You know what this means right?" asked Damian grinning widely.

"It's the perfect blackmail" they all said at the same time.

They all took out their phones and snapped a couple of pictures unfortunately Dick had left the flash on camera.

"Dick you idiot" said Damian.

Tim and Cassie woke up slowly and Tim rubbed his eyes Tim noticed Dick, Jason and Damian and saw the phone in their hands.

"Don't bother destroying our phones pictures of you love bird are already on the family group chat" said Dick

"I'll get you for this" said Tim and he jumped off the couch but he missed his brothers. Dick, Jason and Damian ran away laughing crazily as they blended into the shadows.

"It's too early for this come back here" said Cassie and Tim obliged.

3 hours later

Tim and Cassie woke up to the sound of Tim's phone ringing. Tim picked it up and say the name of the caller.

"Well shit" he said.

"Who is it?" asked Cassie.

"It Diana she probably wants to invite you to the manor and/ or give us the talk." he said.

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