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Bruce raced towards Diana's apartment in his orange McLaren, stopping to grab flowers red roses to be specific.  When he was 2 blocks aways from Diana's apartment he parked his car in a rundown parking lot and raced towards Diana's apartment building. He reached the entrance and quickly sprinted up the stairs making sure to avoid as much attention as possible. When he reached her door he ringed the bell once and waited anxiously. Suddenly the door opened to reveal a kind beautiful face with ocean blue eyes and ruby red lips.

"Hello Bruce, what a pleasant surprise" she said.

"Hello Princess, may I come in?" He asked.

"Sure" She said as she moved out the way and let him into the apartment.

He hadn't seen her apartment before. Looking around he say pictures of many of his kids. There was Tim with Diana eating ice cream as they both had a radiant smile on their face. There was Dick swinging from a trapeze line with Diana right behind him both also had a smile on their face. There was Jason and Diana in a place which appeared to be a shooting range, Jason even had a slight smirk on his face. There was also Cassandra and  Barbara   laughing uncontrollably at Diana whose face has strawberry ice cream all over it. There was even one with Diana and Damian training, Damian's eyes were filled with determination and love rather than anger.

(A/N I can't explain how, why, when or who took the photos. Let's just say it was Clark,  Sheyera or Alfred.)

"These are the photos I to get. There were many more moments I wanted to capture like when I took out Damian to get icecream but alas he noticed and stopped me" said Diana.

Bruce looked at her with love in his eyes and asked "do you feel like you're their mother"

Diana thought for a moment and her face became angry.

"Yes I do and is that a problem? If it is I don't care. Don't you dare make them stop seeing me" She said with fury in her eyes.

"No it isn't."

Diana's face went form angry to relieved.

They deserve you and I do not" said Bruce.

Diana rubbed her face with her hand. She didn't want to do this again.

As Diana was about to reply he said "but Im willing to try and become worthy".

She raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"I'm finally ready to have a relationship with you. I've realised how much you meant to me and my kids. You're one of the best things that happened to me. That is if you still want me.

She smirks and said "finally" she quickly pulled him close and gave him a passionate kiss.

"So would you like to go on a date?" He asked.

"Yes" she replied joyfully punching the air.

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