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Raven teleportered Damian and herself to Wayne Manor.

"If we get caught I'm blaming you Dami!" said Raven.

Damian rolled his eyes and scoffed. "We aren't going to get caught besides if we do I'll just do the 'eyes' to get us out of trouble" said Damian.

"What about Diana?" Asked Raven.

"This is my house not hers" Damian hissed.

"It also became her house when she married Bruce" said Raven.

"Since when has my father been able to maintain a serious relationship?" He said.

"Since Daina called him out on his bs and Alfred threatened to quit if he screwed the relationship up" replied Raven.

"Whatever" scoffed Damian.

"Seriously Dami what will your family think if they find you sneaking me in your house in the middle of the night?" She asked.

"Come on let's get to the pool. I want to see you in your in your new swimsuit" said Damian as he winked at her.

Raven's cheeks turned bright red.

"Only if I get to see you in shorts" She said bitting her bottom lip.

They made their way to the pool and changed it to their swim suits. Raven made her way to the massive pool and entered it.

"You look gorgeous" said Damian as he joined Raven in the pool.

"You don't you look that bad yourself BoyWonder" She said as she swam closer to him.

Damian pulled her towards him and gave her a passionate kiss. They both got lost in the kiss until the heard the sound on someone clearing their throat.

They both looked up and saw Bruce and Diana glaring at them.

"Why did you sneak your GF here at this time of night Damian" Asked Bruce his arms crossed and a mild look of anger on his face.

Damian noticed Diana and Bruce were also wearing swimsuits.

"Same reason as you" he said.

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