chapter 4

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Two weeks later

I today is the day of warped tour. Im so excited to tour with that one band never shout never. I have never heared them before.

But maybe their chill and go with the flow type people ive been in my room all day yesterday packing my hands ached from all the hard work.

My mom drove Justin,brooke and i to the air port. Bye mom i love you and i well call you everyday. I said and got out of the car. I took a deep breath.

Ready guys i said with excitement. Brooke smiled and nodded as did Justin alright lets go! And with that we got on the plane and headed to Florida.

Skip to end of the plane ride

I walked out if the plane into the hall way ,with justin and brokke trailing behinde me we got out of tge hall way and saw some much fans screaming. I smiled and waved to them.

Hi! Im a big fan can i get a pictures a girl with light pink hair asked. I smiled sure you can i said. She got out her phone and snapped a pictures.

I smiled at the fact that we had fans. I mean im awkward brooke is shy, and justin, well hes justin. We took some pictures and followed some people before heading to our holet room for a night.

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