chapter 9

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Justins pov

I walked back to the bus with brooke after addy ran off stage with chris. A few fans came up to us asking for pictures we of course said yes.

I went straight to my bunk. Im so tired. Ive been stressing about telling brooke about my feelings about her. Ive liked her since 8 grade.

I was just about to go to sleep when i felt my bed sink. I looked up to see brooke covering up in my side. I smiled at the tought of her being mine one day.

Brookes pov

This bus is so fucking creepy when nobidy in it. Im so tired and not want to sleep alone so i just slept with justin. I know justins has feelings for me.

As do i, i want him to ask me out but i dont think he will because hes a shy little boy well not little i guess not sinces hes 25.

Christofer's pov

Im glade me and addy are friends if you told 17 christofer that i was gonna become friends with the girl that i bully in high school.

I would have laughed so hard i would probably die. I just still cant believe i use to bully her. I can tell this is a started to a really good friendship.

I got a text right went i throw away addilyn and i's trash. I opened in up to relieve a text from addilyn me and her gave each other our numbers when we got to get food.

A= addilyn
A: you have a nice ass ;)

I laughed and begain walking towards addy. Really i i said holdding up my phone. What i didnt text you that. She said trying to hide her laughs and with that we walked to our bus.

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