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• Alice •

"Hey, you what are you doing here?" I saw master's son walking towards me shouting, I looked at the floor quickly. I remember clearly master's rules, never look in the eyes of someone higher rank.

I saw his shoes, few centimetres away from mine. Please, please, please don't let the master see this.

"Look at me." I heard master's son say.

"I'm not aloud to sir." I whispered. He growled.

"I allow you to." What does he want from me. I'm not breaking master's rules, I need this job. So I didn't follow master's son follows. I could feel anger rising in him. I couldn't do anything, I knew it, he probably knows it too.

Master's son raised my chin with his fingers. "Shouldn't you follow my orders?" there was anger flickering in his eyes, his wolf was reflecting in his look.

"I should sir." I said. "But I should also follow master's orders."

"So my father is more important than I am?" was he making fun of me? Sadly I had nothing to do than shake my head. "Very well," a smile appeared on sir's face, "I have an order for you." he looked at me and a grin appeared on his face, "On the second floor there is a pair of big oak doors, they lead to my father's office, in his office , on the right side wall there are three shelves, on the very top shelf there is a, red box. I order you to bring this box to me." I stood there my eyes wide open, did he, did he just told me to, no way. I understood him wrong, he couldn't have asked for that.

"So you want me to" my voice was shaking, "to rob my master?" master's son rolled his eyes.

"You can put it that way." he was smiling, and something makes me think that the reason for his smile was the fact that my jaw dropped. He wanted me to rob Mr. English, I could not agree to do that. It took me all my courage to say what I said.

"Sir, I respect you, and I understand that you are the future alpha, but I cannot do what you are telling me to do." I answered looking in his green eyes, I didn't have a choice of where to look due to him still holding my chin.

"You think you have pride, don't you?" he was angry. "Well I tell you one thing, you lost your pride when you agreed to become a maiden."

"You don't know anything about me to judge me!" I was angry, you could hear it in my voice, I know that I'm not aloud to shout at master's son, but his high position doesn't give him the rights to judge me. "You don't know anything about life! You were born with a crown on your head, never had to do anything, you were given anything you asked for!" I felt my wolf trying to get out, that's the last thing I wanted, there must be a reason my mom hid my wolf and announced me hybrid.

And then I understood what a mistake I made. I saw fire in his eyes, I saw alfa's son getting angry a few times, but never like this. The thing that happened next ruined my life.

It took him a second to pin me against the wall, I woke up the wolf, this is the end. His eyes no longer green but black looked at me, they were wild. I knew that now I should just follow his orders and wait, each move could be used against me.

"You said you have your pride?" there was anger in his voice, "Well, you see there's a little problem in your statement." he paused scanning me with his eyes. "You can't imagine how easy it is to take away someone's pride." and alpha to be grinned.

A cold ran down my spine. "You wouldn't." My voice was trembling, tears starting to fill my eyes.

"And what makes you think that?" sir said as he leaned closer. The problem was, I didn't have an answer to that. "Exactly." his lips curved into a smile as he moved closer, his lips only few inches away from mine.

"Can someone please explain to me what's happening." Luna's voice echoed down the hall. I really don't know how to react, be grateful that she stoped whatever alpha to be was doing, or to curse up hill and down dale, because I 100% certain that I lost my job.

• Daniel •

"Can someone please explain to me what's happening." mom's voice brought me back to the reality, or better say returned me control over my wolf. It took me a minute to understand what was happening.

So, the maiden screamed at me which made me loose control over the wolf, and now I'm standing here pinning her to the wall, tears running down her cheeks, her lilac eyes wide with fear, blond hair falling down her shoulders, this was the first time I noticed what she looked like. Then it hit me, I was still holding her, so I literally jumped away from her.

"I'm going." I told mom, I just could not stand with how much hatred the girl looked at me.

As I walked off I could hear mom's voice, I could make out only a few fraises, but it was enough to understand. Because of me she just got fired, and if she ever appears next to this house again she'll report what she saw to the alpha, and it won't end well.

I have a feeling that I just ruined someone's life.

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