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• Daniel •

Have you ever been scared of something so much that you aren't scared anymore? That's the question I would happily go around and ask every-single person I meet.

And I'll do it for one simple reason, I want to know that I'm not alone.

The idea of going to the Moon Grave is scaring the shit out of me. No, I'm not scared of the stories and rumours. Nor I'm scared what others would think about their new alpha going to a place no one came back from. To be fair my fear didn't have much to do with the trip, it was about something that may happened in the trip.

I was not afraid of dying. Not at all. We all die, don't we. I was scared of losing control over my wolf. I lost control over it a few times by now, but then I'll be in the woods and there won't be many people around. Just Alice. Or she might bale me and I'll be all alone.

To be fair the first day of being an alpha went by pretty well. The first part of the day was many alphas from all over the world came to show their sorrow about my fathers death, and citizens slowly realising the fact that they have the new alpha. And the second part of the day was all about people losing their brain over the fact that I'm going to the moon grave.

"So now you are the alpha?" shit. The last thing I need right now is Jenny keeping me company. I need to go to the library to meet with Alice.

"Yes, I am, next time I recommend you to just check the news, sure you'll find something. I need to go somewhere." I tried to get in the car, but Jenny stopped me.

"Are you sure you want to go to the moon grave, there is no one else to take the throne, and..." she didn't finish the sentence, guess she noticed the death glare I was sending her. "I'm sure you'll be an amazing alpha, but every alpha needs a Luna. And as everyone knows you haven't found your mate yet. Many woman will come to you, announcing to you that you are their mate, and it will stress you out... So I thought that maybe... Like I know we aren't mates, and all that, but you can't ignore the fact that we are the perfect match... And my family trained me to be a Luna all my life... Your Luna. And if the fact that we aren't mates bothers you, there is this special potion..." 

"Jenny, please tell me you are joking?" I asked her. Like who the hell does she think she is? Telling me that I should choose her as my Luna. Even if I wanted to, which I really don't. the society just wouldn't accept her. "You'll never rule by my side. Even if you were my mate, I'll prefer to spend my entire life alone, then with you as my wife." and just like that I got into my car and drove off.

I could barely hear her talk about how she'll be my wife, and how my mother will make me marry her. What bullsh¡t.

• Alice •

Daniel was late. Maybe he won't come at all? That'll be perfect. I didn't want to go on a hiking trip with the future alpha. 

Not that I was all excited about going to the Moon Grave with Daniel before, but now...

My mother, well, I don't know what else to call her, told me about these things. How the new alpha needs to prove himself by doing something others weren't brave enough to do, and how they would take their most loyal friend with them, to be there to help them, someone who is ready to die just to save the future alpha.

So am I playing the role of the loyal wing-man? Well, I'm not ready to die for Daniel, I'm doing this for money, and only that. God I really didn't think this through. I heard of all the rumours that were told about Moon Grave. What if they are true. What if something happen and I'll turn into a wolf? That'll suck.

"Sorry I'm late." I turned around as I heard Daniel's voice. He was standing right in front of me.

Something changed in him. Something died. It wasn't the same guy who made me lose my job. He was an alpha now. He could no longer be a teenager who likes feeling powerful.

"Do you know how to find a mate?" Daniel asked me.

That was a very random question, and had nothing to do with me. And to be fair it took me by surprise. 

"No, why are you even asking me that?" I didn't expect him to answer, but he did.

"You can't imagine how tiring it is to be an alpha. Suddenly everyone is around you, wants to be on your good side, smiling at you and agreeing with everything you say. And literally every girl wants to become your Luna." his words shocked me. To be fair I never looked at it that way, but I guess he was right...

"Forget it." Daniel said, "A marvellous journey awaits us." And on these words he walked towards the darkness of the woods, with me following him. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2021 ⏰

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