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• Alice •

I woke up early in the morning I expected to feel the pain from yesterday's visit to The Room, but there was no pain at all, instead of pain I felt my wolf. It wanted me to go to the library. Why? Why should I go to the library early in the morning, no one ever goes there without a proper reason, and if your wolf wants something it isn't a good enough reason. But my wolf wouldn't leave me alone. It kept repeating that I should go to the library. I agreed only when the wolf mentioned that I should look into the book with black leather cover.

In a few minutes I was already in the library looking for the book I wrote a message in yesterday's evening. When I found it and looked inside I was very surprised. Someone answered my question. The answer said:

"Sucks. My life sucks. Most people won't understand why I think that my life is awful, and yesterday I thought that my life was great. Today I understood, I don't even have a life. I don't do anything what I don't want to do. Or maybe I do. I don't know what I want anymore. I just ruined someone's life. I'm a selfish jerk. I have a question, can we like write messages to each other in this book? If you'll agree, call me Dan, and can we maybe, be friends?"

I smiled, this was cute. He wanted to be friends. He wanted to communicate through this book. You know, my decision is stupid because I never even saw this Dan but, why not? It's harmless. So I wrote:

"So Dan, I didn't actually expect for someone to answer my question. I don't mind being friends. And I'm really happy to be friends through the book, so we can keep incognito. We'll be able to tell each other everything, knowing that this can't be used against us.
You know how you said your life sucks, I don't think that it's worth than mine. For example yesterday there was this incident and now me, my father and six sisters have no money, when my father found out he cut my veins open and beat me till the point I couldn't stand on my two feet.
I never actually told anyone that, I was afraid that Alpha will find out and take my sisters away, I need to survive till the full moon when I'll turn eighteen and will be allowed to take the girls under my control."

I closed the book and put it back on the shelf. I still had a lot of things to do, for example find a job.

• Daniel •

I jumped out of bed as I woke up. I couldn't wait to see if I got an answer, or maybe it's to early and the person who wrote in this book (I think it's a girl, at least the hand writing looks girlish.) But just as I walked out the room Jenny came up to me.

"Hello Dannie." Oh god how many times did I asked her not to call me that?

"Hi Jenny." I said coldly, with badly hidden irritation. "Do you have anything to talk to me about."

"Oh," Jenny tried to ignore my tone, "I heard that some maiden tried to pull you into her bed." a wave of anger rushed through me, who told her that, it has nothing to do with her, but I kept quiet, "It must have caused you a lot of stress, maybe we can meet tonight, maybe I'll be able to calm you down." Can't she make up something new, this is getting annoying.

"And who is trying to pull me into their bed." I don't know why I reacted that way, guess I got tired of Jenny.I'm not going to lie, I really enjoyed how her face changed color from red, to white and to red again. At the end she turned around on her heals and walked off.

Okay. Breakfast and then straight to the library. As I entered the dining room dad was obviously not there, why am I not surprised? But mom was there, and I had a few questions for her.

"Mom, why does Jenny knows about what happened yesterday?" I was surprised at the way my voice sounded, it wasn't a question, it was a command.

Luna's eyes grew in sizes. But she quickly hid her surprise, "Daniel, I didn't tell Jenny about that." She made an accent on the last word. "But I will take actions, so don't worry, this will stay between us."

Sometimes my mom just annoyed me.

"Ok, I'm leaving." I said as I walked out of the room. I ignored mom's question about where I was going.

• • • •

As I arrived at the library I got attacked by the girls. Normally I would use this chance, but for some reason today I was not interested in that. If you asked me how I got through the crowd of girls and into the library my answer would be, I don't know.

I found that book quickly, begging in my head that I got an answer. And I did. It was written in pencil less that an hour ago. I quickly read the answer and dropped the book onto the floor. I was angry, my wolf was angry. I should be happy that she agreed to be friends, but I wasn't, all I felt was anger. Who would be so cruel, so I wrote an answer.

"Your father deserves a punishment, but if you don't want to tell him you don't have to, I think you should but it's not my decision to make. I will not argue about the fact that my life is better than yours, because it is. But I am very happy that you agreed to be friends. I had a bad day, one very annoying person who treats everyone like sh*t is trying to ask me on a date, and she knows something that I'll prefer her not to. The last thing I'll mention today is to ask you to tell me your name."

And I walked off, angry at the whole world. People should not treat each other like this, where are my parents looking. And then I noticed the girl who lost her job yesterday.

"Hey," I called up to her. Her big lilic eyes looked at me. "I want to talk to you." As I walked up to her as she stood there in silence. "I need to apologize." Her eyes widened as I said that.

"Mr English, I am not allowed to talk to you," her voice was cold, but in her eyes stood tears. "and I'll admit, I don't want to have anything to do with you, including talking." And then she started crying, "Because of you if I won't find a new job by tomorrow I would have to as dad calls it, "making old men enjoy their life."" She turned her back to me as she walked off, but I had enough time to notice an awful cut on her writs.




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