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• Daniel •

I was all wet. I didn't notice that it started raining. I was too deep into my thoughts, about the moon wolfs, about the red wolfs, about Alisinya.

Soon enough I found The Book and looked if the girl answered. She did, but her answer made me drop the book.

"This is probably my last message to you. I won't be able to live with what I have to do today. I don't want to do it, but he'll hurt my sisters. Better say the girls I grew up with. I won't be able to live with such shame. I'll kill myself tomorrow. And no one would visit my funeral, I'll be put in a grave with no name. If I will write tomorrow would prove that miracles exist."

There were tear stains on the book page. My hands were shaking as I wrote a reply, which I hope she'll read.

"Tell me who he is. He'll get punished. I don't know who he is to you, or what he done, I know one thing he can't walk away clean handed after this. Please tell me his name. You can't, you shouldn't live like that. No one should. You'll get help, your sister will get help, let me help you."

I slowly walked out of the building. No one should take away their own life, no one should even think of it. People who cause someone get thoughts like this should be punished as much as a murderer should.

"Listen bitch this is your job so don't cry." I heard someone's angry voice.

"It's not." the person that the man was a conversation with whispered. "I don't want to."

"No one cares what you want or don't want, you were here, you will do what I'm going to pay you to do." there was a laugh, "You call yourself an escort don't you."

"I am not an escort!" this time I recognised the girls voice. "Keep your money, I am not doing anything."

"Too late babe, I already told my friends where to meet up." the man said as I turned the corner.

It was dark, only one light post. Some drunk 30 year old was pinning a girl to the wall. There were tears in girls lilac eyes. She is here because of me. If she didn't lose her job that day.

"Let her go." I kept my voice steady. I have to act calm. I'm the future alpha, I need to control my wolf.

The man turned around and looked at me, a grin on his face. He let go of Alice, she didn't move. She just kept standing next to that wall.

"And who are you to tell me what to do? An Alpha?" he probably tried to mock me, that's hilarious.

"Close." I said. I couldn't wait to see his reaction. "I'm Alpha's son."

The colour drained from the man's face. And then he ran. I didn't bother chasing him. Now I was looking at scared little Alice.

• Alice •

Why did he help me. What is he trying to do? Is he feeling bad for making me jobless?

"Alice." ha said walking towards me.

He remembered my name? Why did he bother?

"Are you alright?" he was looking into my eyes now.

"I probably should say thank you, but I won't." I don't know why I was saying this to him. I shouldn't be seen next to him, not talking. "If it won't for you I won't be here. I would still have my old job."

I saw anger flash in future Alphas eyes.

"Weren't you going to work on Tom's dad?" he cringed as he said Tom's name.

"That job didn't suited me." I said, I could feel anger rising inside me. "But I wouldn't mind meeting up with Tom again."

Daniel English's eyes started turning dark, I could see my reflection in them.

"Keep away from Tom, he is dangerous. You have no idea of what he is capable of." now his eyes were black, I could see him trying not to let his wolf take control over him.

"I lost my job because of you. Who knows what would have you done if Luna didn't intervene. You are dangerous, dearest future Alpha." I could literally see his wolf taking control over his body.

"What do I have to do for you to forgive me?" he hissed.

"Why would you care what some hybrid thinks of you?" as I said it I realised, I made a mistake. It wasn't Daniel English standing in-front of me. It was a wolf. And the wolf was angry. Like very angry.

"Do not shift."I whispered. As if my words would change anything. God if Alpha's son is going to shit at night in the middle of the town at night it'll be all around news, and they will find out that I have something to do with this. God I'm doomed.

Daniel looked into my eyes as if trying to find something in them, and I have no idea of what that something is.

"Swear on your life that you will never let anyone but your mate touch you." his voice was quiet, and I wasn't quite sure if I heard him correct.

Why would he want me to give such a vow? What does it have to do with him, and why does it bother him soo much?

"I state under oath that I would let no man touch me other than my mate." I said my voice shaking.

Imagine how surprised I was that Alpha's son's eyes returned to their normal green colour.

"What just happen?" he looked at me questionably.

"I would recommend you to check with your wolf, but you are not able to control him, for some unknown to me reason." I noticed that he wasn't happy about what I said. "Basically you asked me to swear on my life that I won't let anyone touch me except for my mate." I tried to sound as calm as possible, but I still had some kind of aftershock.

"Did you give the oath, or something?" he asked, and went white when I nodded. "I am not an Alpha yet, but I am the only heir, which is nearly the same, so quite possible that if you break that promise you'll."

He didn't finish the sentence. He didn't have to.

"Where can I get a job?" I asked plainly.

Letters From The AlphaOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant