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• Daniel •

I entered the library and went to The Book. I don't know what I was looking for, she clearly told me that she won't be able to write on any day but weekends, but when I opened it there was writing, and stains from tears.

"Hello Dan. I don't know what my name is. Yesterday I thought I knew who I am, but today I found out something, something awful. I think my name I Alisinya but can't be certain. Recently I remembered something. I remembered what happened to me before mom, or at least the person I thought was my mom married the man from this town. My life became a total mess. I write messages through a book to a total stranger (no offence), I have no more job, I think that I might not live to the point when I find my mate. I nearly killed a person yesterday. And the memories that came back, I just don't know. They make no sense, if they were true that situation must have been mentioned in history, but I never heard of it.

Dan, if you don't mind do me a favour, help me find out who the red wolfs are, and the owner of the pub in the forest, with gold teeth. Those two things should be connected."

Red wolfs. Never heard of those. And what does she want form Tom's father, he has gold teeth that's correct, but why does that concern her. I'll look out for who those wolfs are, I have to admit, this is interesting.

"Hi, I'm going to try and find out who red wolfs. I never heard of them which is strange. I don't know much about the owner of the pub in the forest, but I used to be friends with his son. A year or two ago his son and I created a potion that can make anyone your mate, I was against it, but Tom decided to make money of it and started selling it. Keep away from him. For your own good."

I put the book back on the shelf and went home.

• • •

"Dad?" I was standing by dad's office.

"Come in!" I heard him shout from the room, so I opened a heavy wooden door.

Like always he was sitting in a chair looking through papers on his desk.

"Did you want anything?" he asked. His voice cold. Like always.

"Have you ever heard of red wolfs?" I asked in one breath. Dad dropped the pen. He heard of them, he surely did.

"What do you know about them?" my dad was, interested? It was the first time anything I said interested him.

"I don't know much. I know that they were never mentioned in any history books, any books at all to be fair. I think that they might as well be extinct. Tom's dad has something to do with it." I said, with every word dad's face changed. But I couldn't read his expression.

"That's it? Any names?" there was hope in dad's voice. I probably shouldn't tell dad the name of the girl in the book, but it's the first time dad actually sees more than a person who'll take over his place one day standing in front of him.

"Alisinya." I said.

"That's it?" dad asked. He looked disappointed. He wanted me to tell him more. But there is nothing else I know.

"We know of two types of wolfs, grey and white. Let's not take hybrids into account, but there are two more. One are red wolfs. We know that they exist. Ones every year there will be a wolf who gets chosen to be a red wolf. It is important position. It gives you powers that grey and white wolfs could never dream of, but there are bad sides to it. They don't have mates. They live to protect, to be soldiers, they shouldn't have their own lives, they live for someone else. The only reason they might have a family is if they have to look after a child of the person they were born to protect. Red wolfs can be found in history books. By different names, but still. The creatures you've told me about. They aren't red wolfs. Red wolfs can't be extinct, they get chosen every year. There are also Moon Wolfes. Not a single wolf is more powerful then them. Red wolfs exist to protect them. Moon Wolfes bring fear. The Moon itself prays them. Their wolf's fur is silver, it shines, reflects the moon light. They live in a pack, high in the mountain, where no other wolf has ever stepped. Many years they were the rulers. But some don't like the fact that there is someone who can do what you will never ever be even close in doing. So they somehow attacked the palace. There is this thing about moon wolfs that is different from the rest. As the alpha dies they fall asleep. They go into so called Nowhere. There they wait, wait until the alpha's child gets revenge. Then the pack would return to their land." Dad stoped.

I think I dropped my jaw. Is that the "nowhere" I saw when became unconscious.

"Alisinya?" I couldn't say much I was so shocked.

"She is probably the Alpha's child, and Tom's dad is the target of revenge. About ten years ago he did go missing. If the child of Moon Wolf's is on this land her guardian is coming for to our kingdom." dad paused, "The guardian is one of her relatives, for example Alpha's brother, who did not die. This girl is most likely to be pretending that she is a hybrid. The red wolf would have taught her what she needs to know as a wolf, but at the same time told her to play a hybrid so no one would guess who she is." dad picked up a pen and started writing something. "We need to find her, what do you know about her?" Alpha looked at me.

"I know that she lives under a different name, that she doesn't know who she is, also her so called mother is a red wolf, at least I think so. She isn't living her best life. She is under 18, well she is turning 18 soon. But you won't find her. She'll never come to you for help, she has her reasons. I don't know her, nor what she looks like, and I'm not telling you where I know all this from." after these words I left dad's office, I'm heading to the library, to write what I found out.

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