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• Daniel •

When the pain stoped and I opened my eyes I was no longer in the town centre. I was in some kind of woods. I would have thought that someone knocked me out and brought me here, but I know that that's not true. And I knew that because it was quiet.

There were no birds singing, no wind moving the brunches. There was just the total silence. The silence which scared me.

"Welcome to nowhere." I heard a voice in my head. A voice. In my head.

What's happening. Where a my?

"I told you, you are in nowhere." this time the voice came from a wolf standing few meters away from me. He stood in the shade, I couldn't see who it was.

"Who are you?" I said.

"Is there a point of telling you this?" only now I felt the power in that voice. "You don't know who I am. You won't find me in books. I'm dead, but I'm alive. My pack exists, but we are extinct." the wolf quiet down. "Soon, soon we'll come." he said. "When she is old enough to take over what belongs to her, he'll come to her, and we'll be freed."

"Why am I here." I asked.

"Let's say, that was an accident." And then I felt the pain.

• • • •

I opened my eyes and saw Alice, her blond hair falling down around her face, tears in her eyes.

"I don't know wha..." but then she noticed that I opened my eyes. "Oh God."

She dropped her head onto my chest, I felt tears running down her cheeks.

"I thought I killed you." she whispered. "I don't know what happened." she was scared, I could hear it in her voice. "I didn't want to hurt you." she moved away and looked into my eyes, "I hate you, I really do, but I'll never hurt anyone."

"The Alpha and Luna are coming!" someone screamed. Alice stood up about to leave, but I grabbed her hand.

"He is not your mate?" a smiled appeared on Alice's face. But she still stood up and walked to Tom's car.

I decided to hide from my parents and whoever they brought with them in the library. I can check the book.

I found the book quickly and really didn't like what was written in it.

"I have some bad news, I won't be able to write this often.

I have to go somewhere, but don't think I forgotten you, I did not. I'll write a message every weekend. Today I met someone I didn't want to see, but I also found a place to work. I have a question, is it possible that I might take the book day for one week, write everything down, return it on Sunday and you can do with it anything you want till Friday?

You know what would be funny? if we were writing about each other in this book without realising it."

So she won't see whatever I'll be writing here till the weekend? That's awful. I guess this is basically like writing letters to each other.

"That's sad. You know even so I never met you I'll miss you, it's difficult to have an open conversation with someone you know. I never before imagined that something like this will happen to me. Our conversation reminds me of writing letters. But I enjoy it. Today I met an old friend of mine. I hate him now, and not only because he called me a traitor but also because he gives people promises of happy life, but doesn't tell them the whole truth. He sells things he shouldn't. We made this potion together, but when I found out what it does I dropped out. I thought he left that too, but he didn't, he started selling it. This potion was created to find your bond, it was supposed to take a person who took it into trance and there he'll see where to look for his bond, and what she looks like. But the experiment went wrong, and instead of finding your bond it bonds you to anyone you want, all you need is a drop of there blood. I never told it to anyone but you. By the way you still didn't tell me your name. Ok, bye, I guess."

I heard Jenny calling my name, and I was naive enough to think today wouldn't get any worth.

• Alice •

I was worried, what was that. If that was my wolf that means I nearly gave myself away. I'm not in the position of letting people find out who I am.

"So I'm your mate?" I heard Tom, "When's the wedding." I rolled my eyes, he was so annoying. "I just don't understand why you told him that I'm your mate?"

"Tom, drop it." I had enough of him.

"Ok." he agreed, why did he agree so easily? "We are here."

The building was old and wooden. As Tom said it was surrounded by the woods. There was light and noise coming from the windows. Tom lead me into the house.

"Dad, I have a new employer." I heard footsteps from the stairs. And then I saw him.

He had red hair just like his son, dark eye, his right eye was missing, and there were scars all over him. He looked so familiar.

"So are you ready to work for one hundred gold per week?" and he smiled, I saw his golden teeth.

Golden teeth.

"I was playing with my mother and sister. I called her mother, but she wasn't mom, this mother had chocolate wavy hair and lilic eyes, sister looked like her too, dark hair, dark eyes. I don't understand. Why am I calling her mother.

"Hello girlies, can I play with you." a man's voice, he stood there, grinning I could see his golden teeth sparkel. And then I heard mother tell sister,

"Take Alisinya to dad." sister picked me up and ran with me somewhere.

Then I saw a man with blond hair and brown eyes.

"Hello sweeties." He said with a smile.

"Hi sis." said another blond man, he was about eighteen years old. "Hi Ali." he said walking up to me.

"Mom. She is fighting with a weirdo with golden teeth!" Dad stood up. Fire appeared in the eyes of the younger man. He tried to go somewhere. but dad said. "Wait."

"What?!" now the boy was very angry, "Brother do you understand what's happening? The palace is under attack, you mate is in danger! I won't let Sindy die"

"Brother calm down." said dad. The green eyed man still went towards the exit, "I order you to stay!" but the young man left anyway. "Ok daughters keep calm, everything will be alright."

Five minutes, ten, twenty, thirty, an hour, no one came. And then they came, they shot sis, they shot dad. They were pointing the gun at me. Then a two red wolfs appeared. One, who was bigger started fighting, the other turned into a woman, picked me up and carried me.

That was my mother, at least the person who I called mom for over fifteen years."

"Are you alright?" I heard Tom.

"Yes, but I don't need this job." and I went off.

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