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• Alice •

"What did the Alpha's son want from you?" I heard someone's voice.

"Me?" I looked at a guy, about my age with red hair and coffee eyes. He nodded his head, "Well, nothing." I said, I myself could hear how unconfident my voice sounded.

"If he didn't need anything from you why is he still staring at you?" the boy said with a smile, he obviously found this situation funny. "Don't get upset. Don't cry, I can't stand women's tears." I felt a smile on my face.

"It's very complicated, I lost my job and if I don't find it I will have to become a." I stoped I couldn't say it, but the red head understood it.

"And you can't ask for Alpha's help?" that was an obvious question, normally you ask Alpha to get a job if you can't find it, but in my case this wouldn't work.

"Luna doesn't like me." I said quietly. The boy looked as if he understood everything.

"I guess it has something to do with her son." all I could do was nod. "Well, my dad owns a pub, I'm sure he wouldn't mind a new employer." I couldn't believe my luck. I can get a job! The boy smiled, "Don't get over excited, I'm sure he'll give you a job, but it's quite far away."

"How long?" I asked.

"Well, it's in the woods, my dad opened it there for the hunters and soldiers. It would take a day to get there by foot, ten hours as a wolf," I could feel how the smile on my face was disappearing. "which, as far as I know is not your case. Also on eleven p.m. each Friday a bus goes to the city and same time on Sunday it goes back. The bus drive will take over six hours."

"I guess that's not an option." I said as I started to walk home. But that failed, due to that guy caught my hand.

"Listen, don't turn this down, there are rooms there, I'm sure dad wouldn't mind letting you live in one of them if you are going to work well." he said.

"I don't know." I know it's stupid not to agree to this, but still. "I lost my last job as a consequences of something which was not my fault." I said, not looking into his eyes.

"Oh, come on. You worked in the alpha's house we all know how it works there." He said with a smile, "There family is weird." my eyes grew larger, he was not afraid to say things like that? "You don't know what happens at dad's place. Once one of the clients tried to kissed the chefs daughter, the next day he got sh*t instead of chocolate." he paused, "Literally, and the chef still works here."

I think my jaw was on the ground. I want to work there, if the Alpha-to-be is going to come there I'll get revenge.

"So do you accept the job?" asked the red hared boy, all I did was nod my head. "By the way my name is Tom."

"Alice Willson." I shook his hand.

"I heard of you, people in the pub talk about you a lot." I raised my eyebrow, why should they talk about me. "They see you sometimes, when they come to visit your father. They normally say that your father treats you badly, and that a beauty like you deserves better than this." I think I blushed.

"I don't think that's about me." I saw Tom roll his eyes. "Well, should I go pack my stuff?"

"So you accept the offer?" I nodded my head. "And you won't ask how much you'll get paid?"

I smiled, "Anything is better than nothing." then I added, "And I won't have to live with dad. And how will we get there?"

"On my car." Why am I not surprised that Tom has a car?

I ran off, I never been this happy since my mother's death.

• Daniel •

I watched as Alice ran off. She was so happy. Well she doesn't know what she signed up for. I walked up to Tom.

"You didn't tell her, right." I said. Tom looked at me, his eyes accusing me of everything bad that exists.

"What makes you think that, brother?" he said angrily.

"If she knew, she wouldn't be so happy." I said, "And as far as I know we went through that "brother" thing already." I'll never forget that. We were best friends, and now he hates me, says I betrayed her.

"Daniel, I'll tell her." said Tom, "But why do you care as far as I know she lost her job because of you." and he grinned.

I couldn't control my wolf anymore. I pulled this idiot of the ground by his neck. I could hear how he started chocking.

"What did she tell you?" I growled.

"She told me everything." said Tom, still trying to grin. But he forgot that we used to be best friends, I knew when he was lying.

"You are lying." I tightened my grip on his neck, I heard him laughing.

"Calm down." I heard a girl's voice. I ignored it, but she didn't shut up. "You are a d*ck, we all know that, but this is not you, your wolf took control over you." She stoped. Guess she realised that she was not helping. What she said next, I surely did not expect. Her voice sounded hysterically, "Let go of my mate! I don't want him dead! I don't want to lose him! He is rich, if you kill him I won't have a rich man, and there wouldn't be anyone to buy me expensive hats..." She trailed off, saying all kind of nonsense, but I couldn't hear her. My wolf has gone mad.

I wasn't realising what I was doing anymore. It felt as if I was looking from the side. The wolf had all the control. I could see how I dropped Tom, grated the girls neck, and raised her off the ground so I could see her eyes. Lilic eyes. But I didn't finish thinking of whatever I was thinking. Because I felt pain.

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