chapter 1; Life

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Life. Life is given many definition. Some say it is the act of existing, others say it's the ability to take risks. But that is the definition given by people who have it all; the money and time.

But to me life is a process of making ends meet. life hasn't always been easy but to me, that's the only way I've seen life to be.

"Jite!!, I hope you are not still on that bed. Don't let me come there and meet you cause you will regret it" my mother shouted from the other side of our two bedroom apartment of our sub urban areas.

"I'm up maa" I said as I stood up to look at myself in the mirror. 

Let me quickly introduce myself. My name is Jite Matthew Odedi, and I am eighteen years old. I finished secondary school about two years ago and have been going from job to job looking for money to get into the university of my choice. But that is pretty difficult when you come from a family of four and have three siblings looking up to you for a meaningful life.

My mom is an akara (beans cake) seller in the morning and at noon time a market trader so you see she doesn't really earn much. While my dad, is a, sorry excuse me, was a taxi driver till he figured that he couldn't cope any more. So, he decided to up and go with a rich woman who made his life perfect.

Then there are my little siblings; Osas who is presently sixteen (boy), Micheal who is twelve  (boy) and Martha who is eight(girl). They are actually the only reason I have the courage to keep on going.

"Jite!!, You plan to sleep in there right?" My mum shouted again as I came out of the bathroom to dress up.

"I am all set ma" I said coming out of the room with my shoe in my hand while I was buttoning up my shirt.

"Hurry, it's almost 5:00 am we will miss our customers" she said as she thrust a large bowl of already fried akara (beans cake) tied in nylon into my arm.

"But mom, I will be late for work" I said trying to hurry out of the house.

"There won't be a work for you to go to if you don't sell these" she said putting her hands on her hips.

"Fine" I said as I walked out with the bowl in my hands

____________<< . >>___________

"You are late" my boss,Jerry,  said with a scowl marring his face

"I am so sorry sir, it won't happen again" I said with my heart in my mouth. If he fired me this minute my chance of going to school this year would be over.

"Don't do it again, next time you won't be lucky" he said dropping the key to the car in my palm and moving away.

I entered into the car to start my taxi work.
And my aim today, was to make at least thirteen thousand naira to enable me get my one thousand three hundred to go home and help my mom in the little way I could.

So yes, this was my life. People define life in many ways, and my own definition is, life is the ability to make ends meet in order to survive.


Hey guys I know it's quite a short chapter but I hope it enlongate as we progress.

Just to clear your doubt, yes it is completely normal to finish secondary School/high School at the age of 16 over here some graduate earlier like 14/15 if your lucky cause we start school real early.
Till next time . . 


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