Chapter 9; the meeting

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"Dad I'm going to the store down town!" I yelled out to my dad but I knew it was a lost cause. Two months now and still no changes from him and it pissed me off to no end.

A lot had really being going on lately and it was getting to me. I tried my best not to break down since my mum decided she wanted to officially end things with dad claiming that she loved him, but couldn't put him through the stress of raising a child that is not his own and my dad being the type of man he is, tries to make her understand that it was not a big deal. But they were two strong headed people.

As I looked up at the sky was walking to the store, I thought of Ohio. It had an okay weather. Here, it was always damp. If it wasn't raining, then everywhere looked grayish. well there were times that it would be really sunny but those days were rare.

I would have told my dad about the place being annoying but I couldn't do it. Apparently this was the city they, my parents, met. And it had always been a dream for my mum to come back here. Dad actually wanted this place to be a surprise for her but I guess he was the one who got the surprise.

As I reached the store, I looked around. I really wanted nothing from here but I guess the atmosphere was  at home was way too quiet and suffocating.

"Hey!, Watch it" I shouted as I  looked at the guy who bumped into me and spilled a carton of milk on me.

"I am so sorry" the guy said while looking at me with wild eyes.

"Sorry?, How am I going to leave here looking like this!"

"Osas you are taking too much-" a voice called out from the other side of the shelf.

"What is happening here?" The guy said as he came out from behind the shelf.

Oh he is cute. Eliza said as the guy looked at the both of us raising up an eyebrow.

"This stupid piece of shit poured milk on me" I said trying to sound as angry as I felt.

"I said I was sorry!" Now that I looked back at the boy, I thought the boy looked like he was about to cry. Nah, maybe it was just my imagination.

"I think you should mind your language. You can't go about calling people words in your mind or else I would have had a nice choice of words arranged for you because you called my brother a piece of shit"

"Well your brother will next time have it in mind to look where he is going before he ruins a person's outfit!".

It wasn't my fault that I was getting snappy today I was just not in the mood.

The guy did something that only happens in the movies. he removed his jacket and threw it on my face.
"Have it" he said while looking at me.

"Thank you" I mumbled out.

"Sóró sòke" the cute guy said in an amused voice which made me confused and blurted out "what?"

"I said you should speak up. I didn't hear what you said.

"I said thank you" I was quite embarrassed so I turned to leave but what he said again shocked me for the second time during our meeting.

"Hey!, Where are you going to. At least give me your jacket can't you see it's cold?"

'Is this guy for real?' I thought to my self.

He must have seen it on my face cause he burst out laughing.  "I am just messing with you. I will hate to leave you with a bad impression about me though. I just hate when my brother is not respected. I am a little over protective" he might have whispered that part, but I still heard it.

"I get it. I am sorry for snapping like that" I said as I turned to look At the boy who turns out to be named Osas. "I shouldn't have stood in the way like that. I am really sorry"

"It's okay" he said in a quiet voice. It appears he was the quiet one or maybe he was just embarrassed for what had happened.

As they turned to go I realized something.

"Wait, how would you get your jacket back?"

"You can keep it" he said as he turned to look at smile at me and damn did that smile look perfect.


As I got back from the store I felt a little happy. Like seriously who wouldn't be happy when they see a cute boy.

Anyway that happiness was short lived because as I stepped into my house, I was brought back to reality.

"Dad, I'm back" I shouted not expecting to hear anything
"Allen called" and that scared the shit out of me. Not hearing my dad's voice for almost two months and when he finally did, his voice sounded different. It wasn't the happy voice I was used to but a cracked and lifeless voice but I was happy anyway. At least he talked.

"Really?, What did he say?" I asked really happy I was could hear some news from him about my brother.
"He is coming to take you. So that you can have a day out with him"

"Okay then, I will go prepare" by now, I was sitting on the couch away from him.

"Dad?" I didn't say anything till he was looking at me " I miss you, you know" I said and this time I didn't try to hide my feelings .

"I am sorry kiddo. Sometimes I wonder why she did it. She claims that it was a mistake but you really can't make such a mistake if you haven't been planning it. It just makes me wonder if she actually loved me or if it was something I did you know"

"I understand dad but you can't let that keep bothering you. You have two children to live for and you also have yourself to live for".

"Thanks honey, I love you" he said as he got up and hugged me.

"Thanks Dad" I said as I hugged back.
"What for?" He said looking amazed as he pushed me back gently to look at my face.

"For coming back. I thought I lost you and I love you to".

And just like that, I knew that with or without mum we could be happy. Sure we would miss her sometimes but it was actually our choice to decide if that would determine our happiness


Hey guys,

Do have a lovely weekend and happy Valentines day. To those of us that are going to be at home let's make the best out of it 🌝...

Till next time.

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