chapter 7; fear

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'why won't this stupid alarm go off' that was my thought as I adjusted myself on the bed making no attempt to turn it of.

'wait? When did we get an alarm clock'

"Jite, you better get that phone to stop ringing or I'm throwing it out the window" Osas said from his part of the bed.

He tends to be a little cranky when woken up in the morning.

"Hello?" I answered trying to get the sleep out of my eyes.

"How are you" from his voice I knew it was my uncle.
"Good morning sir"

"I am fine. I was thinking about what you told me the other day. So I contacted your father, and I have told him about the situation he has agreed to take care of you chil-"

"No!" I shouted not realizing that I actually shouting or even caring.

"I don't want him near them" I couldn't afford my father coming near my siblings.

"Look after everything that man has done to my sister I would not want him anywhere you guys. And had it being I knew about the situation at hand Sooner I would have stepped in. My sister always have the important that you guys were fine. Anyway no matter what he is still your father. And the only thing I can do for you is to let Micheal and Martha come live with me. At least till they finish high School."

"Okay sir. Thank you"

"Great. So I guess I will start processing the documents for travel now."

As the call ended, I kept wondering am I doing the right thing?



School was a mess. I couldn't find it in me to even fake interest in anything  so I did the best I could.

"Sam?" I was pulled out from my thoughts by Alex calling my name.

Alex. He was Gerald's male best friend. Now don't get me wrong while he was Gerald's best friend, I was repulsed by him something about him always felt off. Therefore making him and I not to be in any form of civil relationship.

"What do you want Alex?" I couldn't help the disgust that slipped into my voice.

"I just want to talk to you"

"Fine, talk"
"Can we go somewhere more. private?. I know how you tend to talk when we are in a conversation. The gym room is free this period, can we go there?"

"Fine. Two minutes, that's all you get" I said making my way to the gym not caring if he was following or not.

"What" I snapped at him as I entered the room.

"Why are you so feisty babe?" He said rubbing what I am assuming to be a soothing palm on my arm but to me it felt like a snake crawling on my arm. I hated these type of contact.

"What are you doing. Get your fucking hands off of me" within I was panicking but I tried to put on a brave front.

"Now now babe, someone told me you'll be leaving soon and I am tired of all your pretend hatred you've been giving me.lets just for once be on the same page.

"If being on the same page with you is being a slut then I'd rather fuck myself with a sledge hammer" I said while trying to control my emotions especially Dean.

"Fine then, if you won't comply I might as well take it forcefully" he said while chuckling to himself as if this was a funny situation.

"You don't want to do this Alex" this time I started using my strength to fight him of but he wouldn't budge.

"GET OFF OF ME YOU FREAK!!" I tried screaming but it was of no use by now everyone was in class which was at the other side of the school building. I see why he chose this place now.

"Stop fighting it my love. it would be less painful that way" as he said it, I heard the sound of a material tearing but it was not until the cool breeze touched my skin that I realized that it was my cloth that had being torn and then I just slipped.

It felt like I had a black out. Like I was in a dark space. I could hear screams of pain but  it sounded like it was happening from a distance. When I finally became aware of my surroundings again, my clothes were torn in most places possibly from the fight and when I looked down at Alex I was petrified.

He looked like he was barely breathing, and I was scared. I was scared that I almost took a life, scared that I might have been raped but most of all scared that I didn't feel any remorse at all. It felt like I was watching a movie and that this was all some plot twist.

Feeling very scared to touch him in fear that he might die I picked my phone from my back pocket and tapped the first number that was there.

Good thing the last person I called was my mum.

"Help" was the only thing I said when she picked up the phone.

"Honey are you okay? What's wrong"
"Help" I sounded like a broken record.

"Hold on honey. I am on my way"
"Don't go. Stay" I couldn't stay much but I didn't want to talk but I didn't want to be left alone either. Being alone meant being with my thoughts and after what happened I was not so sure I was wise to stay alone with my thoughts.

"Talk to me. Anything" I struggled to say.

"What happened. No that's not the right thing to say. The weather is really nice today. Remember when you were little and loved playing in the sun?" I remember those times those were one of my happy memories.

'Like you need happy memory' a voice in my head said. "not that one. Another one"

"Just stay with me honey. I am already at the parking lot where are you" she sounded like she was crying.

'that's all you ever good for why don't you just die already' I had already started sweating bullets

"Gym room. Bring principal" before I could say any other thing I fainted.


Hey guys,

Quick note; schizophrenia patients don't feel emotions the way we feel. They are detached from their emotions and that is why the majority have hallucinations and see their emotions as people.

Vote and comment. Till next time guys.

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