chapter 2; Luxury

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"Mum I am going to be late for school" I called out to my mum as I stayed in the car typing away on my phone.

Let me introduce myself. I am Samantha Brigyt (pronounced bright), eighteen years old and I am the second child of my parents.

We live in this rich neighbourhood, we stay in Ohio a pretty normal town well as  normal it can be for someone like me but oh well. I really don't have much friends because many people say I am a stuck up rich bitch. But I say fuck them, they don't know the first thing about me. I  only have one true friend though, his name is Gerald and you could call us the power couple. I mean super rich star football player with the richest girl in school perfect right?.

But really Gerald and I are more like siblings though, nothing more.

I guess that's pretty much it. Oh and I almost forgot I have one secret though.

I am a schizophrenia patient.

You may be wondering what the heck is that. Well, let me explain it to you.

Schizophrenia; a chronic mental disorder that affects the way a person thinks and views reality it makes us view things differently. This causes hallucinations emotional flatness and the likes of it. It's said to be caused by the chemicals in my brain being fucked up. Excuse my language, it's also said to be a gene disorder, I am not really sure but all I know is there is no cure. Well not yet.

So, that pretty much sums up my life.

"I am sorry, I forgot to set my alarm last night" my mum said apologizing as she entered the car

"You know all these would be avoided if I just got my own car" I said to my mum which she chose to ignore.

"Mum!, I am serious, everybody my age has a car or at least something to take them to school yet here I am, eighteen and I am still being driven by my parents!" I raise my voice as I became agitated.

"Honey, can we not do this now?, We've talked about this it's dangerous" she said in a dismissive tone but I was far from over with this conversation.

"Dangerous?, Are you serious? What about the time dad travel I had to drive you to the hospital! I don't recall anything happening that day!" I say trying to get myself under control.

Anytime I have a dark emotion I feel HIS presence.

"That was one time! And we both know you were lucky. What if one day you are driving and you start hallucinating!, What if you loose control of your body! What would happen then" she said as her voice cracked threatening to break down in tears.

There was a long awkward silence in the car before I let out a long breath "what if I am walking home one-day and start hallucinating, that is really not an excuse mum" I said in a low voice so low I thought she did not hear me until she spoke out

"You are almost done with high school, at least wait till you are about to enter the university then we can discuss it, okay?" It wasn't what I wanted but at least she sort of accepted my request. Few more weeks and I was going to get my car.

I guess I could live with that.


"Hi" Gerald said sneaking up on me but I wasn't really scared though. When you hear things and see things it becomes really hard for you to be scared except it's HIM

"Hey" I said as I pulled my lips into a smile

"What have you been up to, I tried calling you but you didn't pick up"

"Sorry, I didn't know" Gerald knew I hallucinated a lot and that's all he knew. He didn't know about the disease and I intended to keep it that way. Hell, I just found out what was wrong with me when I turned sixteen, and I am still trying to wrap my head around it.

"It's okay, I just wanted to know if you want to hang out after school today, coach cancelled practice"

"Yeah, sure" I said as the bell went off.

"Do great in your chemistry practical today" he said as he began retreating to the other part of the hallway where his classes were being held.

Shit. I hated chemistry. One time in class I had a break down and it was bad. You see my illness makes my emotions kinda physical to me,like I can see them.

There was Rebecca, she was my depression. I mean when you are me you tend to get depressed a lot and have suicidal thoughts. Well, that was her job. And no matter how much I tried to block her out she always came back.

Then there was Benard, he was my bitchy side. And boy you do not want meet him, he said things no one would want coming out their mouth.

Eliza, she was my romantic fairy tale side. She always saw the good in everybody sometimes it was disgusting.

Last but not least Dean he was to me, a bridge between HIM and i. He was angry majority of the time and that was what HE wanted. Anger gave room to more weird stuff.

Anyway back to the story. One time during chemistry class this girl beside me wouldn't stop bitching about how she couldn't use her perfectly manicured nails to write and how her dad was in Dubai, blah blah blah and then Benard in all his wisdom had to talk and Lord it was not pretty but what actually made it worse was I didn't know I was repeating the exact same thing. Shit happened causing me to tap into my anger. Turns out we both landed in the hospital with me getting the better part of the deal. if you know what I mean.

So there you have you have it, it may not be lovely but it's my life and my luxury

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