Chapter 10; the rules

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I really hated this man. There were several words I could use to describe this man but my mother raised me better than that. I couldn't believe that he would stoop so low as to get married to another woman after leaving the woman he left mum for.

"Okay boys, so here is the deal" he said as he came down from the stairs.

"I gave you sometime get used to the environment before I let you in on my rules". He said looking at us with intense eyes.

"What do you mean rules" I asked

"I mean rules, or don't you know what that means?" I think he meant to crack a joke but we were silent as a statue. I guess it really sucked to be him.

"Anyway here they are.
1) Never call me dad in public.
2) never try to get involved in my business.
3) If anyone ever asks I am your uncle and I am single.
And last but not the least always date the rich girls. They are the fastest means to get money around here.

"What!, Are you out of your mind?" Osas shouted.

"You can not just expect us to carry on your dirty work" I backed up Osas words.

"My house my rules" my dad said with a low tone.

"Well you can count me out of your dirty plan. Those are women and should not be used as a money machine or something".
I was pissed. Beyond pissed even. What did he take us for?!.

"I don't think I made myself very clear. Jite, you are going to be here for exactly five months before you go to school.  if you want any form of care be it food or shelter, you. would. do. as.i. say." And after that he just smiled like he had not threatened to throw us out of the house if we did not comply with his rules to use girls.

" Now if you would excuse me, I have a date to get to" he said as he left the room.

"That man, is sick. I am ashamed to call him my father" Osas whispered. I guess from shock.

Tell me about it.


The city looked good at night. All was calm. It reminded me of home. Of how tired we always came home. I missed my mum. I am actually glad that my uncle was able to knock some sense into her so now, she had started her treatment once again.

Since my dad was out tonight, I decided to view the area myself. After all, they say that  things look different at night.

As I walked around, I remembered what happened yesterday.

That girl. She seemed pretty and seemed very Innocent. She also looked like someone who could hold her own in a fight she didn't have the built though. No, far from that. She was petit.l, very fragile like she would break with a single touch but something told me that if plus ever came to shove, you would be done for.

From afar I saw a bridge. Not really thinking much of it, I went and sat there just looking at the sky as I ignored the person sitting next to me. Well I would not really say ignored, more like minding my own business. I mean I wouldn't really want anyone to disturb me when I am my quiet place.

After staying for a long time, the person stood up to leave which in turn made me look at the person.

"It's you" I said looking at the girl from the store. She looked startled at first but recoverd when she saw it was me.

"Oh hey, it's you the store guy" she said smiling. She looked like she had being crying but I was not about to point that out.

"The name is Jite" I said smiling and stretching out my hand for a hand shake while trying to look like the name did not sound annoying. Seriously, store guy!!!???.

"Samantha" she said while stretching out her hand to return the hand shake.

"I am not used to this area, but don't you think it's risky for you to be out this late at night?" I trying not to sound like an over protective father but I could not help it.

"Not at all" she said smiling she looked like she was trying to hold in a laugh.

"Trust me, if I encountered any difficulty, I would be able to handle myself". 

"I find that hard to believe. You look very small. You know I could just bundle you up without much of a fight from you" she didn't look afraid from my words far from it she just laughed and sat down back beside me.


Hey guys,

Another chapter complete.

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