Chapter 8; Seperation

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This was it. Today was the day. After years of not seeing my father we were going to live with the guy. Life really is a bitch.

Also, today was the last day I was going to see my youngest brother and sister. I missed them already. It turns out that they were going to Reading, United kingdom. It was where my uncle stayed. While we were going to be staying in Leeds Yorkshire, United kingdom. It sounded close but that was until my uncle explained it to me.

Apparently they,the town's, were 194km apart to be able to get there by car would have to be exactly three hours and twenty two minutes not counting the the time I would use to go to their new home.

"Brother Jite?, Are we going to have our own pool" my sister asked looking at me with Innocent looking eyes that it hurt.

"I don't know, but what I know is that you should be a good girl and don't give uncle any trouble okay?" She gave a nod to answer my request.

"Mike? Take care of her okay? You are going to be the big brother on Osas and my behalf".

I said while hugging him.

"Please don't go brother, I would rather stay and suffer than to leave you".

No you won't. I wanted to voice out but I couldn't. The only thing I did was to hug him tighter like he was going to disintegrate into thin air if I let him go. He was just a twelve year old. What did he really know?.

"Call me everyday brother. Please"  he said and I couldn't help it. As much as I tried, tears rolled down my cheeks. At least I was still hugging him at that moment so he couldn't see me cry.

"Sure, I would. And when I don't, blast my phone with as much calls you can handle" at least this made him to laugh a bit before he went back to Osas.

They always shared a great bond,. It might have been because they spent most of their time together or because Osas was an easy going person but I was glad they did.

"Okay guys let's start going". We really were going to the airport together but as it seemed our flight was scheduled for different times. Theirs being an hour earlier. It didn't matter though cause as. It seemed they were going to land in London which was a twenty six hour drive from where they were going to be living.

"Okay mum, are you sure you are going to be alright?"

"Yes. Be a good son if your mother and make me proud" and after other long conversationsz, we had to leave. I guess this was going to be a new beginning to better things.
As much as I wanted to stay with my mum a while longer, I couldn't so my brother and I followed our uncle to the airport to see our siblings for the last time till God knows when.


It has being a month now since everything happened. After the school incident, Alex was charged for attempted rape and it turned out that Gerald had a hand in it.
Well not really.

Although he did tell Alex when my free period was and when gym room was free, he swore that he did not know that that was what Alex had in mind. But I couldn't trust him anymore even if his excuse and apologies were sincere I couldn't find it in me to forgive him for almost letting it happen.

Going back to Alex, I was not free to go walking on rainbows. I had hurt him and it was really bad. I broke his nose, a rib and dislocated his shoulder which his parents wanted to press charges for which if they actually did I might have being behind bars even if it was self defence being that they were not necessarily rich but influential people and people nowadays would do anything a person of status tells them in order to be on their good side. And, considering the fact that my dad hates showing of his wealth? yeah I really didn't have an option there.

Anyway my parents told the police about my 'condition' so they let me off with a warning. Of course every single person in school started looking at me differently, like I was a disease and I was going to kill them if they got too close. Well every one did, apart from Gerald who kept begging for me to forgive him.

The next two days after the incident, we left for Leeds, Yorkshire. We as in my dad and I. My mum did not come with us. It turns out that she was cheating on dad and was pregnant. It broke my dad. It broke him so hard that he looks so lost sometimes. And apparently he wants to still forgive her after everything cause he deeply loves her.

While others say it's true love, I call it stupidity.

If that it was to be a normal person in love, then I'd rather be a mad person in my next life also than to fall in love.

But sometimes,i really missed my mum. But she really fucked it up and I am really afraid that even if she got back together with dad, things would never  be the same, my family would not be what it used to be. so why bother?


Hey guys.

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