Chapter 11; under the stars

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I was officially having the worst day ever since I came here. My brother who was supposed to pick me up so that we could hang out today, bailed on me. Okay maybe I was exaggerating a bit but it hurt. I was actually looking forward to seeing my brother after so long but he bailed on me. Apart from that, my mum had the guts to show up at the house today. Showing up with that stupid baby bump. I had a feeling that she just came to rub it in but luckily for all of us, dad was not home. God knows it would have being a different story.

Anyway after a long and tiring day I decided to come to this spot on the bridge which had been my best decision so far as I found store guy.

It really was funny though. When I called him store guy to his face, he looked irritated but tried really hard to hide it. But when you are me, it could be really difficult not to notice things.

"So you watch movies?" He asked. It had been going on like this for a while now he asks random questions and I reply them. It was fun really. I couldn't remember the last time I had this much fun. With Gerald, it was only when it was convinient for him that he talked to me.

"Hello" he said as he waved his hands in front of my face which brought me back from my thinking world.

"Huh?, Yeah but I prefer animation they are easier to relate with" I said feeling slightly embarrassed that a total stranger had caught me spacing out.

"Are you okay?, You have being spacing out for the most part of the conversation"

"Uh- y-yeah, I'm fine. It's just that it's being a long day for me. I think I should head home now". I said trying to rush.

"Hey" he said holding me back by my arm and immediately, Imagies of that day with Alex came rushing back. I know he seemed really harmless, but so did Alex untill he showed me his true colours that day.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing!!, Leave me alone" I was trying really hard to stay calm. This guy better not try any thing or I swear to -.

"Hey hey" he said putting his hands in a form of surrender. "I just wanted to give you this" he said as he dipped his hands into his pocket and brought out a handkerchief. Okay now I was more confused.

"For" I could not help but ask.

"I notice you were crying. Your mascara got all over so I thought you might want to clean it up"

Oh my God.

It was both cute and embarrassing.

"Thank you".  I said in a low voice as I collected the white material from him and left hurriedly.

As I reached my house, I looked at the passenger side of my seat where Dean was sitting.

"You know with the way you were speeding, you might as well called death to come and take us" he said looking towards the window.

"I freaked out okay?" Nowadays, Dean was not always so angry as he tends to get. He was calm sometimes and even gave me good advice. Well as good as it could get which, sometimes were very worry some.

"Yeah, for what exactly. He was not Alex" he stated. He was actually right but I was not obligated to answer him. So I ignored him.

"Well at least you could have given him back his jacket" he said as he showed me the jacket that laid at the back of the car.

"Well there is always another time" I said as I walked into the house.

"So you admit it" he said as he rested on the door.
"Admit what"
"You want to see him again" he said with that stupid smirk on his face.

"Can you shut up?, I just want to go lay down. Don't make me strangle you, you freak!"

"Uh honey?"

"What!" I said turning around to face another. I bet it was Benard but no it wasn't it was my dad.


"Uh??? Hi Dad" I said, nervously dragging the dad part.

"Who are you talking to?" He looked really lost like confused kinda lost and it would have been funny if I was not the one in this situation.

"Umm it's late now, so I after to sleep good night" I said in a hurry as j ran down the stairs.

My dad was actually never around when I had these weird moments where I talked to 'them'. So I felt freaked out. 

I just had to wait to see what tomorrow brought me. I just hoped I would be able to handle it


Hey guys,

Another short chapter...enjoy.

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