chapter 3; different

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"What do you mean i would not be able to work here again, sir I've put in my time into this job please don't fire me" I said  pleading. I could not afford to loose this job now. Not now, it might have have being a month ago and I might not have really seen it as anything but I apparently he did. I mean this is Lagos, a place where hustling is at the highest. 

You could hardly slip up at work and be safe. "I am sorry man, but it just has to be. You knew the drill and you have being coming later than usual these days therefore losing customers. I mean, how do you as a taxi driver start work by seven when you know good money comes earlier" he sighs before tapping my back. "I wish I could help but I'm sorry" he said

The previous month

"Jite!", My mum shouted my name as usual but there was something different with the way she said  it. Maybe it's the weather. I thought to myself as I got ready and took my batch of akara to go and sell.

"Have a nice day I shouted to my family while leaving the house with a smile. I had a feeling that today was going to be different and I was hoping that was a good thing.

An hour later which was exactly 6;00 I headed to my taxi driving work with a smile on my face. My customers today were very generous majority of them told me to keep the change making me have two thousand naira extra gain than normal. Mum is going to be so happy today. I thought to myself. At least now we can get Micheal a new uniform so that he could look neat at school. I thought to myself.

"Brother Jite!" I heard a little girl scream. I knew that voice anywhere even in my sleep

"Brother Jite! The voice called again pulling me out from whatever shock I was in to start looking for the tiny being among the mass of people that I was surrounded by.

"Brother Jite!" Finally I saw my baby sister in the crowd with her pink shirt and pyjamas trousers.

"What are you doing here!" I asked panicking. I mean when you live in surulere you would know that letting a child free to walk on their own was you practically saying 'hey kidnappers/ritualists I've brought a meal' "where is maa, how and why did you leave her side"

"Mummy fell" she said as tears rolled down her eyes "she fell down she won't wake up they took her away talking about st. Kings hospital. Brother Jite we have to help her"

I couldn't believe it. I thought to myself as I held my sister in a crowd of a very busy and congested street. 'how did this happen' was what crossed my mind along with negative thoughts.

"Its okay, maa is going to be alright" I said putting up a brave front for my sister but inside me I was a mess. As I looked at my sister's face I knew I had to be the strong one. And in a way, I was happy my sister thought it right to come look for me first cause where my brothers worked was not a place I would love my sister to go to, talk more of going alone.

"Let's go" I carried her in my arms as we made way to the hospital for an eight year old she was light from being underweight but It was okay I guess. I'd rather she was underweight than a sickler or even worse dead. Seeing that the hospital was not far from where I was, I was relived. that means they were not far away from where I always made my sales.


I hated hospitals they always reminded me that one day we were all going to die.

To be honest I had no problem with that. I know I was being selfish but sometimes I just wished that I could die so that all these suffering could end but then  a single thought about my family and how they were going to survive made me feel horrible for thinking of such.

"Odedi" the nurse called out not even bothering to look up from the notepad in her hand
"Yes ma" I said getting up from my chair "the doctor would wish to see you now" she said as she pointed to the office.

"Stay here okay?" I said as I looked down at my sister " don't answer if anyone talks to  you and don't even follow them if they demand it" I instructed to which she nodded she was a smart girl but I just had to say it to be sure.

"Good day sir" I greeted as I entered into the doctor's office

"Good day young man" I guess you are related to the woman that was brought in?" He asked raising his brows

"Yes I am"

"Okay then, I am just going to go straight to ask a few questions. Your mum, does she smoke?" 

"What does she do for a living?"

"She sells akara and is also a market trader. Sir, is there a reason for these question?"

"Young man,  your mum is battling with COPD"
I guess he saw the confused look on my face cause he went further to explain what it was

"It's chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. It's caused by irritants. from what you have told me, I guess it's from the smoke she inhales while frying the akara, it could also be from the dust it's hard to tell"

"Erm doctor please what is the solution" I said trying to block out the disturbing news from my mind.

The doctor had this look in his eyes that I was not comfortable with. It resembled one of pity and I was not a fan of that.

"There is no cure. It's a progressive disease. The only thing we can do for her is to suppress the symptoms".

'There is no cure' that was the only thing that kept ringing in my head

"What do you mean there is no cure" I said looking at the  man no doubt with tears in my eyes.
"Exactly what it means. We would need to carry out tests on her to see what stage she is in to know the best way to reach out to her" he said as he looked down at the file

"I see your family is on national health insurance scheme (NHIS) so you will be getting 10% discounts for the services he said as he gave me a receipt.

"That's to carry out the test. Please hurry the sooner you get the money the better" he said going back to whatever he was doing.

As I left the office I thought about my father I have never hated him so much in my life. Had he being here mum would not be doing half the work she is doing to make ends meet.

At least the bastard thought it wise to register us under NHIS before he left.

"Is mum going to be okay?" A voice pulled me out my thoughts. Looking down I wanted to breakdown into tears and tell her 'no'. But how could you tell a child that her mum who she saw as a model was not okay and there was no cure?.

"Yes she is" I said trying but failing to bring a smile to my face.

As we left the hospital the only thing I could think about was how different today really was.


Hey guys,

So what do you think about Jite's life ..

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