Chapter Six

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Ava slowly opened her eyes at around 6:30 AM, confused about where she was and why she wasn't in her normal bed back home, before quickly realizing that she was waking up for her first full day of vacation with her family in South Carolina. She was always an early bird and looked forward to getting in a jam packed day of activities at the beach.

Ava grabbed her phone off of the nightstand next to the bed, and quickly scrolled through her texts, and Instagram and Tik Tok feeds, as she slowly woke up and began to become more aware of her surroundings. She figured she'd check the status of her Goodnite; most of the time she woke up wet, but there was a growing number of days that her Goodnite would be dry in the morning, maybe twice a week, so she had gotten into the habit of checking first thing in the morning.

Ava pulled up her shorts and looked down and that's when she remembered - she wasn't wearing a Goodnite, she had agreed to wearing a baby diaper to bed for the rest of the week. She looked down to see a goofy purple Monkey starting back at her, with the two taps still tightly strapped to the tape strip with the large number "6" on it. They looked ridiculous on a 13-year old girl, but in a strange way Ava really liked how they looked on her. They were cuter than her Goodnites, which kind of tried to hide that they were a diaper, looking more like little girl underwear. The Luvs didn't try to hide anything, they were what they were, a baby diaper, for toddlers 2-3 years old, and yet they still fit and worked for a small 13-year old girl.

Ava noticed that the diaper was wet, but not fully soaked. The diaper had done it's job, it now was a bit cold, but not really yet saggy, and had a familiar scent that combined the sweetness of the Luvs diaper scent with the stale smell of the urine. She remembered that scent when her brother was still in diapers, and wondered how different the diapers would smell and feel if they were Pampers, or Huggies or some other brand. She remembered how cute the Pampers designs were with the Sesame Street characters when her brother was still in diapers. She was just so fascinated with them, all of a sudden.

She pretty quickly snapped out of her diaper-fueled thoughts and decided it was time to head down for breakfast. She grabbed her fully-charged phone, and slipped a pair of shorts on over her diaper. Usually she didn't bother changing out of her Goodnite until right before she jumped into the shower since that made the clean-up easier in the morning when she was wet. Usually she would need to pee and if she needed to do that right away she would just pull down her Goodnite and pull it back up before heading down to breakfast. This morning she felt like the might need to pee soon, but didn't want to untape her diaper and decided it would be best to just head down to breakfast with the diaper on until she was ready to take her shower. It's not like it was wet enough to be uncomfortable yet.

Ava went downstairs to see her dad sitting at the counter with a cup of coffee on his laptop while her mom was making eggs and bacon in the kitchen. Her siblings were both already up eating their breakfast on the couch while watching TV. 

"Morning honey, how'd you sleep?" her mother asks Ava

"Like a baby," Ava responded not quite realizing the irony of that response, "I was really tired last night."

"That's good, was the bed comfortable?"

Ava nodded her head, "Yeah it was great."

"How about your, you know what, did it hold up?" her mother asked.

"Yeah mom, it's fine." Ava responded slightly embarrassed.  "They'll work for this week."

In the back of her mind Ava was thinking, maybe they would work for more than this week.

"Well honey," Mrs. Williamson responded noticing it appeared by the bulge in her soccer shorts that her daughter hadn't yet changed out of her diaper, "make sure you clean up and take a shower right after breakfast."

Ava, still a bit embarrassed that her mom noticed she was still wearing her diaper kind of nodded her head and then made herself a plate for breakfast with a glass of orange juice.

Ava started chowing down on her food, while again opening her phone and scrolling through her social media pages. She knew she needed at some point this week to get a couple of good insta pics, she was pretty much a basic white girl, and going a week at the beach without posting on insta was pretty much unheard of.

As she was finishing her plate of food she started again to feel the need to pee, which was pretty much expected, she hadn't gone to the bathroom after she woke up. Her instinct was to run to the bathroom so she could go, but then she realized she was still wearing her diaper from the night before. She weighed her options, realizing either a) she could try to hold it, b) she could run to the bathroom without finishing her food, take her diaper off, then come back to finish her food without the diaper on, and then go take a shower right after, or c) use her diaper.

The diaper was wet, but based on her prior experiences that week, it could probably hold another pee. Ava's initial reaction was easy, she wanted to use the diaper. She had liked the feeling of a warm, wet diaper, and it was way more convenient than either of the other options. But the teenager that Ava was fought with that initial instinct, and Ava weighed whether she should really use the diaper or not.

Before she really knew what she was doing or could make a conscious decision, she felt the pee  starting to stream into her diaper. She focused on controlling the pace of the urine, as she really didn't want a leak. Soon her diaper had taken another full 13-year old wetting. She noticed nobody was watching her and felt her diaper through her shorts, noting that her soccer shorts were a bit damp on the sides but it probably wasn't noticeable. The diaper had pretty much done it's job, and again she had consciously wet a baby diaper.

Right away, the 13 year old side of Ava started to kick in again and she figured it was time to get out of her soaking wet diaper. She grabbed her phone, put her plate and glass in the sink and headed upstairs to shower and get dressed for the day. She went to her bedroom grabbed a towel, and found a cute two-piece bikini that she could wear to the beach and grabbed all of that and headed to the full bathroom that was next to her room upstairs.

As soon as she got to the bathroom, she stripped down to just her sports bra and wet diaper and felt the urge to admire herself in the mirror. Just like a baby she was wearing a diaper that was sagging. She turned around and looked over her shoulder, admiring herself and how her butt looked, with the diaper obviously starting to sag low, just like a babies would. Suddenly she felt something else, she was going to need to do her morning #2 before getting in the shower.

A crazy thought jumped into her mind. What would it feel like to do that #2 in her diaper? She had no idea why all of a sudden she was thinking like this, she had never thought about pooping in her Goodnites. But this was a baby diaper, it was made to be pooped in right? She admired herself in the mirror for just a bit longer and as she was doing so it just sort of started to come out. I guess you could say it was a consious decision that she was messing her already soaked diaper, but Ava didn't feel like she had made that decision, it was more enjoyable for her to feel like she didn't actually have control. Once she started to feel it come out, she squatted and finished her mess. She put her hand on her but and felt the load in it combined with all of the pee she had already done.

"This isn't half bad" she thought. She drifted into some daydream of her mom changing her poopy diaper, or even her main babysitter back home, Courtney, getting her changed out of her wet and messy diaper into a nice fresh one. Those thoughts came and went quickly, and then Ava realized she needed to move on from the messy diaper and get on with her day. She undid the tapes, let the diaper plop to the floor, and then proceeded to dump the solid mess into the toilet leaving behind a bit of residue. She figured out how to wrap up the diaper into a ball like a mother would do, and placed it on the sink, then sat down on the toilet and finished both peeing and pooping, then wiped.

"I'm going to have to get clean in she shower" she thought, "baby wipes would come in handy right now."

Soon enough, Ava was showered and cleaned off and she put her bikini on, and proceeded to head back to her room with her wrapped up dirty diaper in hand.  It had been a strange morning, but she was ready for the rest of the day as a normal 13 year old girl.

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