Chapter Seven

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A few hours later, Ava on the beach, looking like any other normal 13 year old girl. She had her Airbuds in her ears, listening to music, tanning in her bathing suit, but little did all of the people around her on their semi-private beach realize, that she had pooped a diaper for the first time in about 10 years earlier that morning.

For the majority of the time on the beach Ava was able to get her mind off of the diapers she had been wearing the last few days. That quickly changed when she saw a young mother chasing her what appeared to be about three year old son across the beach in front of her, who was dressed in nothing but a Swim diaper that was bright blue and orange with pictures of Finding Nemo characters on them.

"Oh my God those are so adorable," Ava thought to herself as the kid ran by. "Why am I so intrigued by these infantile undergarments."

She snapped out of her thoughts when her mother started talking to her

"Ava, I'm running back to the house to grab some stuff, you're dad is out for a bike ride, can you watch the other two kids?"

"Sure mom," Ava responded.

Ava's mother went home to grab the things that she had forgotten to bring to the beach, and while she was at the house she went into Ava's room where she immediately smelled a rotten smell.

"That's strange, what's that smell" she thought.

Then she saw it, Ava hadn't disposed of the diaper she had worn the previous night, it was sitting on the the dresser, obviously soaked but to her surprise she smelled something else coming from the diaper. She assumed she was imagining things and quickly disposed of the diaper before grabbing the stuff she needed from the house and heading back to the beach.

In the meantime, Ava stayed infatuated with the 3-year old in the swim diaper and had been thinking about wearing diapers herself the whole time on the beach. She googled on her phone "why do i like wearing baby diapers" and started scrolling through the articles about ABDL and adults who like to wear diapers for fun or even to pleasure themselves.

"I guess I'm not the only one."

She also realized that some people went the full distance and used pacifiers and bottles and played with baby toys. She wasn't sure if she wanted to go that far with it but the pacifiers and bottles definitely looked interesting. She was getting really excited to get diapered up that night, the only question was whether she was going to say anything to her parents that she wanted to wear them more than at night. She knew her parents were very nice and accepting but wasn't sure she was ready for them to know about this. It still confused her. When she was wearing Goodnites for her bedwetting she knew that she didn't hate them as much as she should have as a 13-year old girl, but it wasn't until she tried the diapers for the first time that she realized that she actually liked them.

Ava's status of being deep in thought was broken up by her father coming back from his bike ride to the beach.

"Hey Aves, what's everyone up to?" he asked as he grabbed a soda from the cooler and took a seat on the beach chair.

Ava realized she hadn't really done a great job watching her siblings, but fortunately her sister was sunbathing a few feet away on a separate towel, while her brother was over making a sand castle a bit farther away from where they were set up.

"Just hanging out, mom went back to the house." Ava responded maturely.

"She just texted me, she's going to come back now, we can hang out for another half hour or so and then we're going to go back to the house to clean up, we're going to go out for dinner tonight."

Ava thought that sounded like a good plan and went back to listening to the music on her phone. She thought quickly about the diapers again. Should she wear one to dinner? How would anyone tell? Should she talk to her mom about it? Her mom was a very understanding woman and she really considered her best friend. But diapers? There's no way she would understand or accept that, right?

All of the thoughts raced through Ava's head and eventually it was time for them to pack up their beach stuff and head back to the house to get ready for their evening. On the way back Ava decided she was going to do it. She was going to wear a diaper out to dinner. Something about having that as her secret thrilled her. She knew there were 21 diapers in the pack, she only used 2 so far, and they only had 5 more nights to stay there, so she would have plenty of diapers to get her through the week. Even if she didn't tell her mother she was wearing them more than for bedwetting, it would be okay. Her mom would likely respect her privacy and she could just throw the package out at the end of the week and her parents would not have any idea that she used them for more then bedwetting. Worst case she could tell her parents she work up wet one or two of the nights and changed int he biddle of the night.

They got home and all of the kids showered up and got ready to go out to dinner. While her dad helped her brother get ready and mom helped her sister, her parents let Ava alone to get changed and freshened up herself. She shut her bedroom door and found the pack of diapers and pulled one out. She just loved the way they looked and smelled. She stretched out the tabs , layed down on the bed and was able to successfully get the diaper on.

"Now what should I wear" she thought "Should I wear underwear over it to be safe?"

She decided against that and figured that jeans would work, she just needed to be careful that the diaper didn't stick out above her pants, so she got a pair of relatively baggy, high-waisted jeans. It was a hot night, and normally she would have worn a crop top or tank but instead she opted to put a light hoodie on over a tank top. She looked at herself in the mirror, unzipping her jeans for a second to remind herself about the diaper she was wearing. Then she proceeded to rezip her jeans, and make sure that the diaper was not going to be showing.

"Nobody can tell" she thought, "But this is going to be stressful. If I really want to do this, I should somehow find a way for my parents to now. Not yet though, not now."

Ava finished getting ready and headed downstairs where her parents were enjoying a happy hour beverage and her siblings were watching TV waiting to leave for dinner.

"Ready to go honey?" her mom asked?

"Yup." Ava responded.

And the Cunningham's were off to dinner, 13-year old Ava wearing a Luvs diaper without anyone in her family knowing.

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