Chapter Two

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"Mom! No. Absolutely not." Ava said defiantly as she saw what her mom was carrying back to the car. "There's no way those will actually fit anyways."

She said that with the feeling that she was probably incorrect in thinking that. The last time she wore an actual baby diaper was when she was about 9 or 10, and they ran out of Goodnites for the night. Her brother had potty trained young and all they had was size 5 diapers, and with Ava being small they fit her just fine for that night. She hadn't grown all too much since then and these diapers were size 6. She remembered not hating them that night she had to wear them a few years back, but really...she was 13, there was no reason she should be wearing baby diapers for any reason.

"They didn't carry the L/XL goodnites," her mom said, "these have stretchy tabs and will hold enough, more than the small goodnites or pull-ups. Remember when you wore them that one night a few years ago? It's no different than the goodnites."

Ava's father was starting to get tired and frustrated, "Ava, can you just put the darn diaper on so we can get back on the road."

"Where am I supposed to put it on? And how?" she asked. "Am I supposed to just get naked right here?"

Mrs. Williamson hadn't even really thought of that issue. She noticed there was a McDonald's that was still open in the same plaza as the grocery store.

"Let's go in there, I could use another coffee anyways."

Ava was really too tired to keep defying and watched as her mom opened the bag of diapers, put two in her purse, and head in towards the McDonald's. They entered the fast food establishment and Mrs. Williamson handed her purse off to her daughter and told her to go to the bathroom.

"I'll check on you after I order my coffee"

Ava sighed but complied and headed into the bathroom. She didn't really know what she was doing but had a few babysitting jobs in the summer and kind of knew how to operate a diaper change. Once she entered the bathroom she took one of the diapers out of the purse and immediately took a whiff.

"Jeez, these smell strong" she said to herself. She also realized, she kind of liked the babyish smell. She didn't know why but it just seemed to bring back good memories and feelings.

She noticed that the diaper was pretty big, and while it might be a bit tight on her she was pretty sure that it as going to fit, with the stretchy tabs of a baby diaper. She pulled her shorts and panties down and sat down on the diaper, pulling the front up and stretching the tabs to fit her. As expected, it was tighter than it probably should be, but the diaper did fit and seemed like it would serve the purpose at least better than the Small Goodnights that simply didn't work.

Right after that, Ava heard a knock on the bathroom door.

"Honey, can I come in a check on how your doing?"

Ava slid her panties and shorts back up over her diaper and opened the door.

"Are you done? Let me see." She asked her teenage daughter.

Ava pulled down her shorts and panties again and her mother examined her daughter's diaper. It was on pretty well, but could use a little bit of an adjustment on the tabs, which she helped with.

"See that's not so bad," she said.

Ava nodder her head. "Mommy, can I tell you a secret. Promise not to tell anyone else."

"Sure honey,"

"I kind of think these are comfier than the goodnites." Said Ava.

"See I told you it wouldn't be so bad." Her mom responded. "Now let's get back in the car and on the road."

The pair head back to the car, and they set off for their vacation. Luckily for Ava, her siblings had been sleeping the whole time through this. She was worried they would find out that she was wearing a diaper instead of a goodnites, but was too tired to worry about it. Just about as soon as the car hit the highway again, Ava drifted into a deep sleep, diapered and all.

Ava's Family VacationWhere stories live. Discover now