Chapter Eight

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For the most part, the Williamson's family dinner at the Crab Shack was a normal family night out on vacation. They talked about their day at the beach, plans for tomorrow and enjoyed some good food and drink at the restaurant. Right before the main meals were about to come out Ava realized she needed to pee. And fittingly, Mrs. Williamson, mainly directed to the younger kids, asked her kids

"Does anyone need to use the bathroom before our food gets here?".

Ava instinctively knowing she needed to pee, spoke up "Yeah I probably should." she said, immediately as she was saying it realizing that she wasn't planning on using the toilet this dinner trip.

"Wait... maybe not. False alarm." she said.

"I gotta go mommy." said Daniel.

"Well, Ava can you take your brother to the bathroom like a good big sister. And maybe you'll change your mind again by the time you get there."

Ava proceed to accompany her brother to the bathrooms where as she waited outside for him (the 6-year old) to use the toilet, she focused on going pee in her diaper. She was able to start the flow coming out and was just about ready to stop when Daniel came out of the bathroom.

"Did you wash your hands" she asked, motherly.

"Yup," Daniel responded as the siblings headed back to the booth.

Ava hadn't quite fully emptied her bladder so she was pretty confident her diaper was going to hold up even when she sat down in the booth. She just loved the feeling that she went to the bathroom, in her pants, in a public place, and there was going to be no leaks. It was an incredible feeling for her. She wondered why she ever allowed her parents to potty train her in the first place. Darn peer pressure of making sure you go to pre-school potty trained.

Ava sat down in the booth and felt her diaper squish below her. She quietly and quickly felt her crotch area to make sure there wasn't a leak, which there definitely wasn't. She was going to enjoy the rest of her dinner in her wet diaper.

The family finished their meals and instead of getting dessert at the restaurant, they decided to walk over to the ice cream shack near the restaurant to get ice cream for the whole family. It was a vacation tradition to do this at least a couple of times in the week that they were there. Of course, being a busy summer night where there were a ton of tourists in the area, the line to get ice cream was long. Waiting in the line, with the sun down and finally a slight chill in the South Carolina air, Ava felt the need to pee again. So, that's what she did. Her diaper went from being just a little bit wet, to pretty soaked. The hoodie and slightly baggy jeans were also doing their job in hiding the fact that she was wearing a saturated diaper. She was starting to think she could get away with this. How would she get diapers when this pack ran out though? Surely she was going to want to wear still when they got home? These were all questions she was going to need to consider.

The family got in the car and drove back to the house. It was about 8, and the family decided they were going to do game night for a few hours before everyone went to bed.

"I'm going to go get my PJs and a new diaper on" Ava said, realizing immediately that she slipped a bit in her wording.

"Honey, you don't need to put a diaper on yet, it's only 8, you can do that before bed." her mom responded, thinking she must have been hearing things when Ava said "new". "Go get your PJs on and we'll start a game of Chutes & Ladders."

Ava nodded, slightly embarrassed that she slipped on the last diaper, and headed to her room. She really wanted to change into another diaper, but didn't want to risk it, now that her mom was maybe suspicious. She shut the door, pulled her jeans down and admired her now soaked Luvs. She did realize that her jeans had a little bit of dampness on the sides, but for the most part the diaper had done the job. She balled up the diaper and hid it in one of her dresser drawers to dispose at another time. She looked at the open pack of diapers, thought about putting another one on, but ultimately decided against it. She put on a pair of soccer shorts and a t-shirt, and headed to the main room to play some childish games with her family.

After two hours of playing Chutes and Ladders, Candy Land, and eventually Monopoly (though they younger kids were not quite as engaged in that and that game was scrapped pretty quickly), it was obviously time for bed at least for the younger kids. Ava had the option to stay up but she wanted some diaper time so she said she was just going to go to bed too. It had been a long day. Ava's mom went to go put her sister to bed and her father went to go put her brother to bed, while Ava went to bed herself.

She took her shorts off, grabbed a Luvs diaper from the pack and proceeded to stretch the tabs and put it on. She contemplated not putting her shorts back on, but thought that her mom might come in or something and didn't want to look weird in just a diaper. She grabbed her phone put it in the charger and started flipping through Instagram. Pretty soon after she made herself comfortable she heard a knock on the door.

"Honey, you all good in there?" her mom asked.

"Yeah," Ava responded, "Just tired."

"Can I come in?"


Mrs. Williamson opened the door to see her 13-year old daughter under the covers on her phone.

"You good, you need anything?" she asked?

"Nope, all good, just ready to go to bed," Ava responded.

"How about the.... you know what?" Mrs. Williamson asked, as if there was someone else in the room that she didn't want to spill her daughter's secret too.

"The diapers? Mom, you can call them that, I don't care." Ava responded. "Yeah they're fine. No problem."

"You sure? I can go out and get Goodnites if you want. This was kind of a crazy idea."

"No, seriously mom. It was my fault. And really, they're not that bad."

"Okay, if they really aren't that bad, maybe we'll buy you diapers when we get home." Mrs. Williamson said pretty clearly jokingly, "They are cheaper"

Ava chuckled a bit, playing along with her mother's presumable joke. But little did she know, Ava was going to to find a way to get those diapers when they got home. And right as her mom said that, Ava was peeing a little bit in the diaper she was wearing.

"Goodnight mom," Ava said, somewhat innocently and juvenile.

"Goodnight honey," her mom replied.

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