Chapter Four

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As soon as the van pulled into the driveway of the cottage the family was staying at, the two younger kids both quickly squirmed their way out of the minivan ready to sprint into the house to explore what it looked like.

"Wait a second kids" their mother scolded "gotta help bring your stuff in."

Ava followed the younger kids out of the car and they went to the trunk and got their suitcases. As she was doing this her mother noticed that it was pretty obvious that Ava was still wearing the diaper that she had on and it looked to be pretty wet. She figured that her daughter was old enough that she could take care of her hygiene and figured she would let it work itself out.

The cottage had three bedrooms, and it was already decided that Ava would get her own room and the younger kids would have to share one room. Ava remembered that she was wearing a soaking wet diaper and realized that she needed to get out of it quickly before anyone noticed she was wearing it. She jetted upstairs to where her bedroom was going to be, placed her suitcase in her room and then looked for the bathroom upstairs. She shut and locked the door, removed her shorts and looked down at the monkey staring back at her. It was soaking wet, to the point where it was almost leaking, but lucky for her, there was no noticeable wet mark on her shorts. She untaped the diaper off of her, taped it up in a ball and after peeing a little bit in the toilet, pulled her shorts back up.

It was then that Ava realized she didn't know how she was going to dispose of the wet diaper. She couldn't just leave it in the bathroom trashcan there, but didn't know what else to do with it. She figured her best chance was to hide it in her shorts, and then bring it back to the room she was staying in where she could find a place to hide it until she could then find a way to dispose of it at the right time.

Ava tucked the wet diaper in under her shorts and after washing her hands headed back to her bedroom, where to her horror, her mother was in there making her bed and unpacking her suitcase. Ava stopped dead in her tracks, knowing that the balled-up diaper was going to be visible to her mom when she turned. As she stopped, something even worse happened, the diaper came loose and fell through her short hold down her leg, plopping onto the ground.

Her mom saw the whole thing happen and chuckled a bit lightly. Ava, of course, was beyond embarrassed. Her mother knew that and immediately comforted her.

"So, why did you leave it on at the restaurant? I thought you were going to change out of it there?" she inquired.

Ava was still kind of shell-shocked but she was surprised by her mother's nonchalant reaction.

"I dunno," Ava replied

"You don't know why you kept your baby diaper on?" her mother asked

"I forgot to bring underwear into change," she responded.

Realizing that was a reasonable answer, her mother moved on "well, make sure you throw that thing, you really did a job on it. Now let's get your room ready."

They continued to unpack until Ava's room was already for her to call home for the next week. While Ava was unpacking her stuff, her mother went to help the younger kids with their room, before coming back with a garbage bag to help Ava dispose of the wet diaper.

"Let's go see if we left anything in the car. Then we may need to make a trip to the store...or we can check out the beach first." her mother said.

Ava and her mom went down to the car, noticing that all that was left in there was a few beach toys, and a purple pack of Luvs diapers.

"What are we going to do with those mom?" Ava asked, curiously.

"Oh, we'll go get you some pull-ups later today. I'm sure there's someone who could use those diapers later, so I'll bring them back home and figure that out later." her mother replied.

"Oh, ok," Ava responded, with the tiniest tinge of disappointment that was probably not even noticeable to her mom. Nonetheless, her mother's response, albeit jokingly, was interesting.

"Unless, you want to keep wearing them," her mother laughed.

Ava awkwardly giggled back. She was sick of her stupid pull-ups, and the diapers were different and kinda comfy and smelled good. But she was 13, there was no way she should be wearing diapers still.

"What do you say we get the rest of the crew and walk down to the beach."

Ava agreed, and the family's vacation had begun.

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