Chapter Five

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The family spent the entirety of the afternoon at the beach, enjoying the nice weather, the ocean water, the waves and having some quality time. Ava had spent the afternoon working on her tan in her bikini, listening to music and reading a book. It was a great relaxing first day at the beach.

Before they even knew it, the day had flown by and it was already 6 PM. The family decided it was time for dinner, so they packed up their beach stuff and headed back to the house to freshen up. They were going to go out to dinner, to their favorite family seafood restaurant in the area, as both parents were too tired from their long drive and busy day at the beach to cook.

The restaurant as always was really good, and now that it was about 8 PM, it was time for the family to head back to the house for the night. It had been a really great first day of vacation.

The car pulled in the driveway, and by this point the entire family was exhausted. Michaela and Daniel were sound asleep in the car when it pulled in. It seemed like it was going to be an early night to bed for the whole family.

"Why don't you guys go get your PJs on and get ready for bed and then we can put a family movie on and watch it." Mrs. Williamson told her kids as they got back to the house.

Ava hadn't even thought about her experience in the diaper all day, but as she headed up to get her pajamas on and ready for bed she remembered that they were supposed to stop at the store to buy her Goodnites at some point during the day but they never did. She figured this could give her an opportunity to spend another night in diapers.

She headed back down the stairs to find her mom pouring a glass of wine in the kitchen.

"Mom...we never got Goodnites for me to wear," Ava said calmly.

"Oh shoot," responded her mother, "I'm so sorry Aves, I'll tell your father to go run out now."

"No, he doesn't have to do that," Ava responded, "This is my fault to begin with I should have just packed them. You guys should be able to enjoy your night, I know everyone is really tired right now."

"But honey, you need them. I don't want the bedding to get ruined, this is a rental." she said.

"Don't we still have those diapers?" Ava asked, nonchalantly to her mother's surprise

"Honey you don't want to wear those, that was just for the emergency last night. Seriously, your father won't mind running out, there's a pharmacy right down the street." Ava's mother responded, but as she was talking she did start to realize that it seemed like Ava didn't hate wearing the diaper as much as she thought she would.

Ava knew she wanted to wear the diaper rather than make her parents go out to the store to buy the Goodnites.

"Seriously mom. I don't mind the diaper. I'll just wear that. Honestly I don't even mind wearing them for the rest of the week."

"You really didn't mind wearing it didn't you? They were kinda cute on you" Mrs. Williamson told her daughter with a chuckle. "Fine... if you insist. Thanks honey."

"Are they still in the car?" Ava asked.

"Yeah, the pack should be right where we left them in the back", her mother responded. "Keys are on the counter over there"

Ava grabbed the keys and headed out to the driveway where she went ahead and popped the trunk, seeing the pack of Luvs diapers sitting there in the now relatively empty trunk area. She immediately took note of the excitement that she felt seeing the diapers.

"Do I really want to wear a diaper tonight?" she thought to herself. "I'm 13 years old, it's embarrassing enough to wear Goodnites, but diapers?"

She thought for a second to go ask her mom to go out and buy the Goodnites but then remembered how tired everyone was and how wearing the diapers would be doing everyone a favor. She grabbed the pack and headed inside, to go upstairs to her room to change.

As she was heading up the stairs with the diapers, she walked by her father who was going to the refrigerator to grab a beer. He did a quick double take and let Ava on her way upstairs.

He met his wife in the living room of the house, where she was with the other two kids looking for a movie to pick out. While the younger kids were distracted he asked his wife a question.

"Did we never go out and get Ava's protection for tonight? Do you need me to go out now?" he whispered to his wife.

"No, I completely forgot," she responded, "But you know what's weird, Ava seemed to have no problem wearing the baby diapers we had bought her for last night. Even offered to wear them to bed all week. Are we bad parents for letting our 13-year old wear diapers."

Mr. Williamson now made sense of the fact that Ava was going upstairs with the pack of diapers.

"I guess it doesn't matter, why waste them anyways? Those Goodnites aren't cheap." he responded.

"I guess so." his wife responded, "I just think it's a bit odd she didn't seem to.."

Right before her mother could finish talking to her husband, Ava came rumbling down the stairs. She was wearing a cute matching top and shorts PJs set, and had managed to get herself into a diaper which only required a little bit of a stretch to get it to fit properly. For the most part her shorts covered the diaper, though if they rode down a bit you would be able to see the diaper poking up from the top of her shorts.

"Hi honey," her mother said, not making any mention of the undergarments she was wearing, "We're down to two movies, what do you want Trolls World Tour or Toy Story 4?"

"I don't care mom, I'm probably going to be falling asleep soon anyways" she said, as she took a spot next to her dad on the couch.

They turned on Toy Story 4, and within about a half an hour just about everyone had fallen asleep on the couches. It had been a great first day of what was going to be a very eventful family vacation.

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