Chapter Fourteen

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The sun shone brightly as the family returned from their invigorating hike, ready for a delightful afternoon of mini golfing. As they arrived home, Ava's mind was already buzzing with an idea she had been contemplating. She took a deep breath and approached her mom with a request.

Ava: "Mom, since we just got back and we're heading out again soon, do you think we could stop by Target? I need to pick up a few things."

Alison looked at Ava, sensing a hint of hesitation in her voice. Curious, she nodded and encouraged her to share what she needed.

Alison: "Sure, Ava. What do you need to get?"

Ava's cheeks turned slightly pink as she mustered the courage to ask for something she hadn't yet discussed with her mom.

Ava: "Well, I was thinking... um... maybe we could get another box of diapers and... maybe a sippy cup and a pacifier too?"

Alison's eyes widened with surprise, not expecting this request from Ava. She smiled warmly, understanding the significance of this step for her daughter.

Alison: "Certainly, Ava. If that's what you'd like, we can make a stop at Target on our way. Let's ensure you have everything you need."

The family gathered their belongings and made their way to the car, excitement building for a fun-filled afternoon. As they arrived at Target, Ava's heart fluttered with a mix of anticipation and nervousness.

Entering the store, Ava led the way to the baby care aisle, scanning the shelves for the familiar brand of diapers she preferred. She selected a box of Pampers Baby Dry Size 7, knowing they would provide the comfort and security she needed.

Ava: "Mom, can we get these ones, please? I think I'd feel really comfortable in them, and I think the Sesame Street prints are cute."

Alison smiled, recognizing the significance of Ava's choice.

Alison: "Absolutely, Ava. If those are the diapers that make you feel good, let's go with them."

With a sense of relief, Ava continued her journey through the store, her mind now focused on the next items on her list. She approached the section with sippy cups and pacifiers, her hesitation evident.

Ava: "Um, Mom... I was thinking... maybe I could get a sippy cup and a pacifier?"

Alison's eyes softened as she understood Ava's inner struggle. She reassured her with a gentle touch.

Alison: "Of course, sweetheart. It's okay to explore different ways of comfort. Let's find the ones that suit you."

Ava's nervousness began to dissipate as she perused the options, carefully selecting a vibrant sippy cup and a pacifier that appealed to her.

Ava: "I really like the design of this sippy cup, and this pacifier seems really soothing."

Alison beamed with pride, proud of Ava's courage and willingness to express her needs.

Alison: "Great choices, Ava. It's important to have items that make you feel safe and content."

As their shopping trip continued, Ava became increasingly aware of the dampness in her diaper; she had wet earlier when they were browsing the baby aisle of the store.

Ava: "Mom, I think my diaper might be wet from earlier."

Alison nodded with understanding, recognizing that it was time for a diaper check. She gently placed her hand on Ava's diaper, feeling its dampness. After a quick assessment, she concluded that although Ava was wet, it wasn't quite time for a diaper change just yet.

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