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Alright so here's the Problem. I've promised to update this book but I need to find a co-writer I have dyslexia and usually an a really good story writer, I used to write with a friend she'd help me a bit but then she cause a huge load of drama saying rude things to me and basically craving my attention. I'm trying to write as much as I can but if you guys want DM me suggestions or whatever you want to add to this book or one of my others, I'm no longer talking to this girl and I can't deal with the drama. This book and the others I wrote are meant for you guys not her. I have notes of the plot and I promise it will get so much better. Love my supporters and I'm almost done with the next chapter.
I'm on bed rest do you a serious foot injury so I've been having a lot of free time and my editing job I've been getting it done early. I will for now on check the app everyday for messages so don't be afraid to DM me!  Hopefully I can't post this chapter before the day and make an update chart schedule. I will talk to my two very good friends and see what we can do!
Love you all
-The Hex

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