18| opposite of ending

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SHE WOKE UP WITH GREAT DISMAY and waves of nausea adding to her misery. She lifted her head from Stiles' shoulder, a heavy weight on her she couldn't shake off. The first thing she saw as she squinted her eyes through the already dimly lit truck was Liam in chains, and Stiles and Derek not paying attention to her waking up as they were guiding Liam through the full moon's influence.

Before she could say a word, she searched her pockets for painkillers but could only find her insomnia pills. She sunk back to her seat with a groan, running a hand through her damp hair. Juliette was more aware of the cracking headache than she was of Liam's current condition; and her amplifying powers only worsening the full moon's affect on him.

"I told you she should've went with Peter." Derek spoke with an all-knowing look in his eyes. "It'll only take her a couple minutes to liven up, and her energy will start to rub off on him."

Juliette indolently buried her face in the palm of her hands, her brain feeling like it could swell beyond the capacity of her skull. "I wouldn't say a few minutes." She grumbled, hoping the agony wouldn't last until the end of the road-trip. "I hate alcohol." She whined. "I hate it, I hate it, I—"

"Hate it?"

Her head pounded as she pushed herself up. "I bought something to help you," Derek took out the relic from his pockets and handed it to Liam. "This has been with my family for centuries. It's a very powerful, supernatural talisman. We use it to teach beta's how to control themselves on a full moon."

It was a hoax, was what it is. She recalled what Stiles told her about the relic, and how it was a fake ti get beta's something to believe in. Juliette looked up at Stiles throughout Derek's speech and narrowed her eyes, holding in a snicker. If the headache hadn't been so bad, Juliette might've even had her fun by inputting more false facts. "Yeah, yes." Stiles cleared his throat, playing along. "It's powerful. Very powerful."

Night fell and the day sky lifted to reveal the gleaming stars. The moonlight reflected off of Juliette's face, and it's affects on the beta was starting to present itself. Liam was determined enough to keep it in at first, but as they got further into the night, he started to crack. His hair was damp with sweat and his breathing shortened, becoming more and more heavier as he took them in.

Juliette looked down at her watch, resolute on not falling back asleep again. It was five past seven, as shown on the heirloom watch she inherited on her eighteenth birthday from the bank. The vintage watch was one of the only things left from her family. She was willed to the house as well, although it remained empty and she greatly considered handing it over to her great aunt rather than being responsible of it herself.

She wasn't ready for it, the responsibility. The money she inherited, even with the bank's advisers on her beck and call, she felt nothing but utter guilt when dealing with her late parent's money. "Liam, you with me?" Derek called out. "We have a mantra that we use, it's like meditating. You repeat it and say the words until you feel control coming back to you."

      "Okay... okay, okay!" Liam swished his chained hands around. "What are the words?"

      "Okay, look at the triskelion. See the symbol?" He continued. "I have a tattoo of it on my back, it's the same thing. Each spiral means something; alpha, beta, omega. It represents the idea that we can always rise to one and fall back to another. Beta's can become alpha's,"

     "Alpha's can become beta's." Stiles finished off.

      "All you have to do is say the three words and with each one, you tell yourself you're getting calmer and more in control." Derek nodded. "Go ahead."

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