Chapter 1

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It was almost afternoon as Paul was sitting on his bed,writing love poems for a special someone. Lately he had been thinking a lot about this one special person. He opened his phone as it started ringing again and smiled immediately at the bright screen.

John:Hey Macca will I see ya today?

Even though this seemed like a normal text message two friends would send each other, for Paul it would have always been a reason to redden.

Yes the person he wrote all these hopeless love songs and poems for was his best mate. And often it was hard for the young lad to hide his tears  away. Being gay was one thing, but being in love with the people you know since child days is a whole other level.

Paul:I'm on my way :)

With that he closed his notebook and got dressed. He and John have agreed to watch the sunset one last time before school starts again and they get bombed with homework. Waving goodbye to his father he went outside and soon arrived at John's place.

Knock knock.

In front of him appeared the one and only John Lennon. Paul's heart skipped a beat at the sight of the boy in front of him. "And I thought you wouldn't show up anymore."John crossed his arms jokingly. "Aw c'mon, you know I would never let you watch a sunset alone Johnny." Paul giggled. John just punched him playfully into the shoulder and they went to Strawberry Fields.

Strawberry Fields was actually (in this story) a big hill from where you could see almost all of Liverpool. Eventually they managed to get on the top and sat down there. Together they watched the sun going down. John told Paul silly jokes which he always responded with soft little giggles. Actually Paul wasn't really listening to what John was saying. He looked the other one straight into the eyes because, for Paul,they told a million stories.

The next day Paul was woken up by his lovely father yelling at him to finally get up. "Okay, okay I'll be ready in a minute." Paul told the older man and so he did.

On the way to the School Paul might as well had come across George and Ringo. The three of them walked into the building and searched for where they had to be the first two school hours. After perhaps 12 minutes of blind walking through the hallways he eventually made it to his first class.

So this was the first chapter.
Sorry if it was too short or too long ,whatever. I hoped you liked it. :)

-Love, me

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