Chapter 2

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These two hours nothing very interesting happened. Besides doodling little drawings on a bare paper he Paul weren't paying much attention. Then as the bell rang he almost jostled out the small room and quickly went outside. His dark-brown eyes gazed through all the small groups of students that were distributed all over the schoolyard.

As he spotted three young lads with teddy boy hairstyle and leather jacket smoking some cigarettes, he knew that this could only be George, Ringo and of course John. It's true the teddy boy style wasn't that in anymore but they didn't really care. John was the first one with the idea ,of he was. No one of the lads else had the courage to wear something such striking.

"Hello fellas." Paul greeted his friends and gave each one a little pat on the shoulder or just a simple hand shake. "So first day of school huh? Can't believe the same shit's repeating again and again." George scoffed und took another puff of his ciggie. They all nodded their head quietly.

Somehow they hadn't anything to talk about so John spoke up:"Paul and I watched the sunset yesterday." He smiled seemingly happy to tell his mates about last night. The way John's lips formed to that grin of his made Paul melt. "Oh really ,that's cool. Y'know Ringo and I went for a walk yesterday two..." At that point Paul wasn't listening anymore. It wasn't like he didn't care about George and Ringo but the boy next to them. The one with the black glasses he hated to wear, with the rather deep but calming voice,the one who sometimes caused trouble, was just too mesmerising for him.
Here's chapter 2 :)
I hope you enjoyed reading, thanks for wasting your time and have a great day.

-Love, me

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